Wood Surfboard: Experience the Beauty and Craftsmanship

Surfing is all about the adrenaline rush of catching the perfect wave. But have you ever taken a moment to appreciate the craft of the board beneath your feet? Wooden surfboards, in particular, are truly works of art that offer a unique surfing experience. The beautiful wood grain, the intricate craftsmanship, and the history behind each board make for a special ride every time. Ready to learn everything there is to know about wood surfboards? Hop on your board and let’s dive in!

Wood Surfboard: Experience the Beauty and Craftsmanship

Wooden surfboards offer a unique surfing experience that combines beauty and craftsmanship. The intricate detail and history behind each board make for a special ride every time. Learn everything there is to know about this truly artistic form of surfing.


As a surfer, you know that the right board can make all the difference when it comes to catching the perfect wave. And while there are plenty of options out there when it comes to board materials, few are as stunningly unique as wooden surfboards. These boards aren’t just beautiful to look at, though—they’re also crafted with care and precision, making for a one-of-a-kind surfing experience that you won’t find anywhere else. Want to learn more about the artistry of wooden surfboards? Read on!

The History of Wooden Surfboards

Wooden surfboards are far from a new invention—in fact, they were some of the earliest boards ever used by surfers. Hawaiian surfers in the 17th century were known to use massive, solid wooden boards to ride waves. Over time, as surfing gained popularity in the islands and then around the world, wooden boards evolved as well. The legendary Duke Kahanamoku, an Olympic gold medalist in swimming and one of the most famous surfers of all time, was a fan of the redwood boards of the early 20th century.

However, by the 1950s, wooden surfboards had largely fallen out of favor as foam and fiberglass boards became the norm. But in recent years, wooden surfboards have been making a bit of a comeback, thanks in part to surfers who appreciate the unique beauty and craftsmanship of the material.

The Benefits of Wooden Surfboards

So, what makes wooden surfboards worth considering for your next ride? For starters, they’re undeniably gorgeous. The natural wood grain and intricate designs can’t be matched by any other material. That said, beauty isn’t the only advantage of wooden boards. They’re also known for their durability, especially when compared to foam and fiberglass boards. Plus, when a wooden board eventually does wear out, it’s often easier to repair than its synthetic counterparts.

If you’re looking for a board that’s a bit more eco-friendly, wooden boards are also worth considering. While foam and fiberglass boards aren’t exactly biodegradable, wooden boards can be recycled or even composted when it’s time to retire them.

The Craftsmanship of Wooden Surfboards

The Process of Making Wooden Surfboards

So, what exactly goes into making a wooden surfboard? As you might expect, it takes a lot of effort and expertise to create a board that’s both beautiful and functional.

The process typically begins by selecting high quality, sustainably-sourced wood. Many wooden board makers opt for lightweight woods like balsa, redwood, and cedar, all of which offer different advantages when it comes to creating the perfect board.

Once the wood is selected, it needs to be cut into thin, flexible sheets called veneers. These veneers are then glued together, layer by layer, to create the core of the surfboard. From there, additional strips of wood (known as “stringers”) are added to the core to provide extra stiffness and structure.

Finally, the shaped and smoothed board is coated with a protective finish. Many wooden board makers opt for eco-friendly finishes like tung oil or beeswax.

The Artistry of Wooden Surfboards

One of the things that sets wooden surfboards apart from their synthetic counterparts is the level of artistry that goes into their creation. While foam and fiberglass boards may be mass-produced in factories, wooden boards are typically crafted by hand by skilled artisans.

Each wooden board is unique, with its own natural wood grain, color variations, and detailing. Some board makers incorporate intricate patterns and designs into the board, making for a truly stunning piece of art.

Where to Find Wooden Surfboards

If you’re interested in trying out a wooden surfboard for yourself, the good news is that these boards are becoming more and more widely available. Some surf shops carry a selection of wooden boards, while others specialize in wooden boards exclusively.

If you’re looking for a specific type of wooden board or a custom design, you may need to do a bit more searching. Fortunately, there are plenty of online resources for finding used surfboards for sale, as well as new wooden boards from talented makers around the world.


If you’re looking for a truly unique surfing experience, it’s hard to top the beauty and craftsmanship of wooden surfboards. Not only do they offer a striking natural aesthetic, but they’re also built to last and crafted with care. Whether you’re a seasoned surfer or simply looking for a new way to ride the waves, a wooden board is definitely worth considering.

Types of Wooden Surfboards

Just like with any other type of surfboard, there are many different shapes and sizes of wooden surfboards to choose from. Whether you’re a longboarder looking for that classic, mellow ride or a shortboarder seeking more speed and agility, there’s a wooden board out there that’s perfect for you.

One popular type of wooden surfboard is the Alaia board, which is a traditional Hawaiian-style board that has been used for centuries. These long, narrow boards are typically made from koa or paulownia wood, and offer a unique riding experience that’s all about speed and maneuverability.

Another type of wooden surfboard that’s gaining popularity is the hollow wooden surfboard. These boards are made by creating a wooden “skin” that’s wrapped around an internal frame, creating a board that’s lightweight but still strong and durable.

Caring for Your Wooden Surfboard

If you decide to invest in a wooden surfboard, it’s important to take proper care of it to ensure that it lasts as long as possible. While wooden boards are generally more durable than synthetic boards, they still require some special attention.

First and foremost, it’s important to rinse your wooden board thoroughly with fresh water after each use. Saltwater can be corrosive to wood, so it’s important to get all of the salt off as soon as possible.

Secondly, it’s a good idea to condition your wooden board every so often to keep it from drying out. You can use an oil or wax specifically designed for wooden surfboards to help protect the wood and keep it looking its best.

The Future of Wooden Surfboards

As more and more surfers discover the beauty and craftsmanship of wooden surfboards, it’s likely that we’ll see even more innovation in this area. From new types of wood to new crafting techniques, the possibilities are endless.

Perhaps even more exciting, however, is the fact that wooden surfboards represent a return to the roots of surfing. By using materials and techniques that have been used for centuries, wooden boards offer a connection to the history and culture of surfing that can be truly meaningful for many surfers.


Whether you’re an experienced surfer looking for a new challenge or a beginner who simply wants to enjoy the beauty of a unique board, wooden surfboards are definitely worth considering. These boards are much more than just pretty pieces of art—they’re crafted with care and precision to offer a one-of-a-kind surfing experience. So if you’re ready to try something different, check out some wooden surfboards and see for yourself what all the fuss is about!


Still have questions about wooden surfboards? Check out some of the most common inquiries below for more information.

Why choose a wooden surfboard over a foam or fiberglass board?

While foam and fiberglass boards are certainly popular choices, wooden surfboards offer a unique combination of beauty, durability, and eco-friendliness that can’t be matched by synthetic materials. Plus, wooden boards are often made by hand by skilled artisans, making for a truly one-of-a-kind surfing experience.

Are wooden surfboards more difficult to ride than other types of boards?

Not necessarily! While some wooden boards may require a bit more skill to ride than others (such as traditional Hawaiian-style Alaia boards), there are plenty of wooden boards that are suitable for surfers of all skill levels.

What types of wood are commonly used to make wooden surfboards?

Some of the most popular types of wood for wooden surfboards include balsa, redwood, cedar, and paulownia. Each type of wood has its own unique attributes and advantages when it comes to creating the perfect surfboard.

Are wooden surfboards more environmentally friendly than foam or fiberglass boards?

They can be! While foam and fiberglass boards are not biodegradable, wooden surfboards are often made from sustainably-sourced wood and can be recycled or even composted when it’s time to retire them. Plus, many wooden board makers opt for eco-friendly finishes like tung oil or beeswax.

How long do wooden surfboards last compared to foam boards?

With proper care, wooden surfboards can last for many years—potentially even longer than foam or fiberglass boards. While wooden boards may require some occasional maintenance (such as oiling or conditioning the wood), they can also be easier to repair than synthetic boards.

Can I customize the design of my wooden surfboard?

Yes! Many wooden board makers offer the option to create customized designs or patterns, so you can create a board that truly reflects your personal style.

Are wooden surfboards more expensive than foam boards?

It depends on the specific board and where you’re buying it from. In general, wooden surfboards tend to be more expensive than foam boards due to the time and effort required to craft them. However, there are wooden boards available at a range of price points, so it’s possible to find one that fits your budget.

Do I need to store my wooden surfboard differently than other types of boards?

Wooden surfboards should be stored in a cool, dry place and should not be exposed to extreme temperatures or humidity. It’s also a good idea to keep the board out of direct sunlight, as this can cause the wood to dry out and potentially crack over time.

Can wooden surfboards be repaired if they get damaged?

Yes! While wooden boards are generally more durable than foam or fiberglass boards, they can still get damaged from time to time. However, because wooden boards are often easier to repair than synthetic ones, it’s often possible to fix the board and get it back in the