What is a Tow-In Surfboard?

So, you’re a surfer and you’re thinking you’ve got it all figured out. You paddle out, you catch some waves, you feel the rush, and then you paddle back in. Cool, that’s awesome! But, have you ever heard of tow-in surfing? We’re talking about taking your surfing skills to a whole new level. Trust us, it’s a game-changer.

If you’re wondering what tow-in surfing is all about or how it

What is a Tow-In Surfboard?

A tow-in surfboard is a specially designed surfboard that is used in tow-in surfing. It is typically shorter, wider and thicker than a regular surfboard and is made to be more buoyant. Tow-in surfing requires the use of a Jet Ski or other watercraft to tow the surfer into bigger, faster-moving waves that are otherwise impossible to catch by paddling alone. The tow-in surfboard allows the surfer to ride these waves with speed and control.

What is a Tow-In Surfboard?

Are you ready to take your surfing game to the next level? Then you need to know about tow-in surfing and the special type of surfboard that makes it all possible: The Tow-In Surfboard.

What is Tow-In Surfing?

Tow-in surfing is an advanced surfing technique that involves being towed into large waves using the power of a Jet Ski or other watercraft. This allows surfers to catch waves that are much bigger and faster-moving than they could with paddling alone. The process involves a surfer being towed by a Jet Ski, which tows the surfer into the wave, allowing them to drop in and surf.

What are Tow-In Surfboards?

In order to tow-in surf, you need the right equipment, which includes a specialized surfboard designed specifically for this type of surfing. A tow-in surfboard is typically shorter, wider, and thicker than a regular surfboard. It is also more buoyant, which is necessary for catching and riding larger waves.

A tow-in surfboard has a specific design that includes a broad nose and tail, a flat rocker that can handle the faster speeds and sections that come with tow-in surfing, and specialized foot straps to help the surfer maintain control while riding. The shape of the board is also asymmetrical, with one side being longer than the other to facilitate the turns needed for wave riding.

What are the advantages of tow-in surfing?

The primary benefit of tow-in surfing is the ability to catch much larger waves than could be done with paddling alone. Not only can you catch these waves, but you’ll also have the speed, power, and control to ride them to their full potential. This can be an exhilarating experience for advanced surfers who are looking for a new challenge.

Another advantage of tow-in surfing is that it can allow you to reach surfing spots that are otherwise inaccessible. Some big wave spots are too far from shore to paddle out to, so tow-in surfing is the only way to catch those waves.

Where to Find Tow-In Surfboards

If you’re serious about getting into tow-in surfing, you will need to invest in a good-quality tow-in surfboard. Look for a surf shop that specializes in high-performance gear or an online retailer that sells surfboards.

As tow-in surfing becomes more popular, more surfboard manufacturers are designing and producing tow-in surfboards. You might also want to consider used surfboards for sale, as you can often find a great deal on a used board that is still in excellent condition. Be sure to purchase a board that is compatible with your skill level and experience as a surfer.


Tow-in surfing and tow-in surfboards are not for the faint of heart, but for advanced surfers seeking a new level of adventure on the waves. A tow-in surfboard is an essential piece of equipment that you will need if you want to try tow-in surfing, so take the time to research and find the right one for you. With the right equipment, you will be well on your way to enjoying the thrill and rush of catching and riding large, powerful waves.

Choosing the Right Tow-In Surfboard

Choosing the right tow-in surfboard requires careful consideration of your surfing skills, the size of the waves you want to surf, and your physical characteristics needed to control the board. When buying a tow-in surfboard, you should try to purchase from a reputable surf shop, as you’re likely to get good advice on the best board for you. If you’re on a budget, you can choose used surfboards for sale with a little extra scrutiny for damage and wear.

It’s important to understand that not all tow-in surfboards are the same. They vary in size, shape, and construction, so it’s crucial to choose the right one that matches your ambitions, budget, and skill level.

How to Ride a Tow-In Surfboard

Riding a tow-in surfboard is a specialized skill that takes time and practice to master. Before attempting this type of surfing, you should have significant experience riding waves and be comfortable with high speeds and sharper turns.

The first step in learning to ride a tow-in surfboard is to find a competent watercraft driver who can tow you into waves safely. Once you’ve caught the wave, you must maintain your speed and balance, using the specialized foot straps and fins to control the board. You’ll need to learn to read a wave, adjust your position according to the wave’s shape, and carve up and down its face.

Risks and Safety Considerations

Although tow-in surfing is an exhilarating and challenging, there are risks involved. The speed and power of the waves involved in tow-in surfing can be incredibly dangerous. In addition, colliding with the transport vehicle can cause serious injuries and death if not handled correctly.

Make sure you take all necessary safety precautions before embarking on a tow-in surfing trip. Make sure to check that everyone involved in the activity, including the driver, is competent, and has the right equipment and safety gear. Avoid surfing unfamiliar and untested spots or waves that are too powerful for your skill level.


With the right gear, the right conditions, and the right mindset, tow-in surfing can be a rewarding and thrilling experience. It’s an advanced surfing technique that requires bravery, skill, and practice, but that’s what makes it so exciting. Whether you’re an experienced surfer looking for a new challenge or a newbie ready to take on the waves, tow-in surfing is a great option. Just remember always to prioritize safety and consider the risks before proceeding recklessly.


Do you have more questions about tow-in surfing and tow-in surfboards? Check out our list of frequently asked questions and their answers below.

1. Can I use a regular surfboard for tow-in surfing?

No, it’s not recommended to use a regular surfboard for tow-in surfing. Tow-in surfboards are specifically designed to handle the speed and power of larger waves.

2. What size tow-in surfboard should I get?

The size of the tow-in surfboard you need depends on your weight, skill level and the size of the waves. It’s essential to purchase a board that is compatible with your surfing experience and body type.

3. How long does it take to learn tow-in surfing?

Learning to tow-in surf can take some time, depending on your experience and skill level. It’s best to take lessons from an experienced surf coach and practice regularly to improve your skills.

4. What is the difference between tow-in surfing and regular surfing?

Tow-in surfing uses a Jet Ski or other watercraft to tow the surfer into the wave, while regular surfing involves paddling into the wave. Tow-in surfing also allows the surfer to catch larger and faster-moving waves than paddle surfing.

5. Can I tow-in surf alone?

No, it’s not recommended that you tow-in surf alone. It’s crucial to have a skilled driver to tow you into the waves and to ensure your safety.

6. How do I choose the right tow-in surfboard?

Choosing the right tow-in surfboard depends on your body type, surfing experience, skill level, and the size of the waves you want to ride. It’s best to consult with a reputable surfboard shaper or surf shop to find the right board for you.

7. How fast can I go on a tow-in surfboard?

Tow-in surfers can reach speeds of up to 40 mph or more when riding down the face of a wave.

8.What kind of Jet Ski do I need for tow-in surfing?

The best Jet Ski for tow-in surfing is a high-performance watercraft with a powerful engine that can handle the weight of the surfboard, surfer, and driver.

9. What are the risks of tow-in surfing?

The risks involved in tow-in surfing include collisions with the watercraft or other surfers, hitting rocks, getting held underwater, or being slammed by a powerful wave.

10. Can I rent a tow-in surfboard?

Renting a tow-in surfboard is possible, but it’s not recommended if you’re a beginner or inexperienced. It’s best to buy or bring your board.

11. How much does a tow-in surfboard cost?

The cost of a tow-in surfboard depends on the type of board, brand, and materials used. You can expect to pay from $500 to $3000 or more for a quality tow-in surfboard.
