Surfing and Yoga: The Benefits of Combining the Two

Greetings fellow surfers! Have you ever tried surfing and yoga in the same day? No? Let me tell you, it’s a match made in heaven! Both activities involve a connection with nature, a focus on breathing, and a state of flow. So, it’s no surprise that the two complement each other perfectly. Plus, don’t we all want to improve our surfing skills and become a more balanced and healthy individual overall? Well, combining surfing and yoga is the perfect way to

Surfing and Yoga: The Benefits of Combining the Two

Combining surfing and yoga may seem like an unusual match, but it has several benefits that can improve your surfing skills and overall health. Surfing requires a lot of balance, strength, and focus, while yoga helps develop these skills by increasing flexibility and mindfulness. Practicing yoga can also improve your breath control, which is essential for surfing. Additionally, both activities involve a connection with nature, and combining them can enhance this experience. Yoga can also help prevent injuries that are common in surfing, such as lower back pain or shoulder issues.

Moreover, surfing and yoga can both help reduce stress and anxiety. The adrenaline rush you get from catching a wave and the sense of calmness you experience during yoga can together create a perfect balance for your mind and body. Adding yoga to your surfing routine can help you increase your stamina and enjoy longer sessions in the water.

Surfing and Yoga: The Benefits of Combining the Two

Surfing and yoga share more than you might think. Both require being present in the moment, focusing on your breath, and connecting with nature. While surfing is an exhilarating and adrenaline-fueled sport, yoga promotes relaxation and mindfulness. Together, they make a perfect match to improve your surfing performance, physical fitness, and emotional wellbeing. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of combining surfing and yoga and give you tips on how to incorporate yoga into your surfing routine.

Improved Physical Fitness

Surfing is a physically demanding activity that requires a lot of strength, balance, and endurance. By adding yoga to your routine, you can improve your surfing skills by developing these physical attributes. Yoga focuses on building core strength, flexibility, and balance, which are critical for surfing. Practicing yoga postures can also help prevent injuries that are common in surfing, such as lower back pain or shoulder issues.

Additionally, yoga can help you increase your breath capacity, which is a crucial element for surfing. Holding postures and focusing on your breath can enhance your lung capacity and cardiovascular endurance, allowing you to catch more waves and stay in the water longer. By combining both surfing and yoga, you can develop an overall stronger and fitter body, which will help you catch more waves and improve your surfing performance.

Mindfulness and Relaxation

Surfing can be a stressful activity, and it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the waves, wind, and other surfers. Yoga can help you develop a sense of relaxation and mindfulness, which will increase your mental clarity and focus when you’re out in the water. Yoga is all about being present in the moment and focusing on your breath, and these skills can translate directly to surfing.

Moreover, the relaxation and calmness that come from practicing yoga can help reduce stress levels and anxiety, which can negatively impact your surfing performance. By incorporating yoga into your routine, you can learn to manage your stress better and enjoy your surfing experience more fully. The combination of adrenaline from surfing and the sense of calmness from yoga creates a perfect balance for your mind and body.

Natural Connection

Surfing and yoga both involve a deep connection with nature, and combining them can enhance this experience. Surfing puts you in direct contact with the ocean, while yoga connects you with the earth and sky. When you’re surfing, you’re at the mercy of the waves, and you have to adapt to the ever-changing environment. Similarly, when you’re practicing yoga, you’re tuning into your body and your breath, and connecting with the natural world around you.

By combining surfing and yoga, you can learn to appreciate the natural beauty of the world around you and develop a deeper connection with it. You’ll become more mindful of your surroundings and develop a sense of gratitude for nature. Plus, practicing yoga on the beach or overlooking the ocean can create a beautiful and serene ambiance that will enhance your experience.

How to Incorporate Yoga into Your Surfing Routine

Now that you know the benefits of combining surfing and yoga, it’s time to learn how to incorporate yoga into your routine. First, you need to find a yoga instructor who has experience teaching surfers. Many yoga studios offer special classes designed for surfers or beach yoga classes that are perfect for combining with surfing.

Second, you need to make sure you have the right gear. While you can practice yoga in regular workout clothes, it’s best to invest in a good quality yoga mat that is durable and provides good grip, especially if you plan to practice on the beach. You might want to also consider getting a yoga towel to prevent slipping or sliding during your practice.

Third, you need to plan your surfing and yoga sessions. It’s important to create a routine that works for you and your schedule. You might want to practice yoga in the morning to warm up or in the afternoon to cool down after a surf session. You can also try practicing yoga on rest days to help your body recover and rejuvenate.

Finally, you need to stay committed and consistent with your practice. Yoga takes time to master, and it’s important to be patient and persistent. You might not see the benefits right away, but with time and practice, you’ll notice how your surfing skills and overall wellbeing improve.


Combining surfing and yoga is a great way to enhance your surfing performance, physical fitness, and mental wellbeing. Surfing requires a lot of strength, balance, and endurance, while yoga focuses on building these attributes while also promoting relaxation and mindfulness. Their connection with nature makes them the perfect match for a more profound surfing experience, and practicing yoga can help prevent injuries and reduce stress levels. By incorporating yoga into your surfing routine, you can develop an overall stronger and fitter body, increase your breath capacity, and learn to appreciate the natural beauty around you. So, next time you’re looking for used surfboards for sale, include a yoga mat and start your journey towards a healthier and happier surfing lifestyle.

Surfing and Yoga for Mental and Emotional Health

The benefits of combining surfing and yoga extend beyond physical fitness. Yoga is known to have a positive impact on mental and emotional health, and it can help surfers deal with anxiety, stress, and depression. Surfing, on the other hand, provides an instant mood boost and can help you feel more connected with nature and your surroundings. Combining surfing and yoga can enhance these benefits and create a more holistic approach to mental and emotional health.

Practicing yoga can help you develop a sense of mindfulness and self-awareness, which can improve your ability to cope with stress and anxiety. Additionally, yoga has been shown to decrease symptoms of depression and boost mood levels. Surfing provides a sense of adventure and excitement, which can boost the release of endorphins, the “feel-good” hormones in the body. Together, the combination of yoga and surfing can help surfers develop a more positive outlook on life and a greater sense of personal wellbeing.

Surfing and Yoga for Injury Prevention and Recovery

Injuries are not uncommon in surfing due to the physical demands of riding waves. Wiping out, paddling, and duck diving can all put strain on different muscles and joints in the body. Practicing yoga regularly can help prevent injury by increasing flexibility, balance, and strength. Yoga can also have a positive impact on injury recovery by promoting circulation and mobility.

Yoga can also help surfers deal with chronic pain or injuries. Certain yoga postures can help decrease inflammation, relieve pain, and improve blood flow to the affected area. By incorporating yoga into their surfing routine, surfers can improve their overall health and wellbeing and avoid getting sidelined by injury.

Tips for Combining Surfing and Yoga

Here are some additional tips for incorporating yoga into your surfing routine:

  • Practice yoga on rest days to help the body recover and reduce the risk of injury.
  • Start slowly and focus on proper alignment and form. Don’t push yourself too hard too soon.
  • Don’t skip warm-ups and cool-downs. Spend a few minutes stretching and preparing the body for surfing or yoga.
  • Be mindful of your breath during both yoga and surfing to increase your lung capacity and focus.
  • Be patient and consistent with your practice. Yoga takes time to master.
  • Have fun and enjoy the experience. Surfing and yoga are both meant to be enjoyable and satisfying activities.


Combining surfing and yoga can have a positive impact on physical fitness, mental and emotional health, and injury prevention and recovery. Both activities share a similarity in their connection with nature, mindfulness, and sense of adventure. Practicing yoga regularly can help surfers increase balance, flexibility, and strength, while also promoting relaxation and reducing stress levels. By incorporating yoga into their surfing routine, surfers can take their skills and overall wellbeing to the next level.

So, next time you’re out there searching for used surfboards for sale, think about picking up a yoga mat as well. You never know how much it could improve your surfing experience.


Here are some common questions and answers about combining surfing and yoga:

Is yoga good for surfers?

Yes, yoga is excellent for surfers as it can help improve balance, strength, and flexibility, which are crucial skills for surfing. It can also help prevent injury and improve mental and emotional health.

What are the benefits of yoga for surfers?

Yoga can help surfers improve their physical fitness, mental and emotional health, injury prevention and recovery, and sense of natural connection. It can also promote relaxation and reduce stress levels.

How often should I practice yoga as a surfer?

It’s recommended to practice yoga 2-3 times a week as a surfer to see the benefits. However, even practicing once a week can have positive impacts on physical fitness and mental wellbeing.

Can yoga help prevent surfing injuries?

Yes, practicing yoga can help prevent injuries by increasing flexibility, balance, and strength. It can also help promote injury recovery by improving circulation and mobility.

What is the best type of yoga for surfers?

The best type of yoga for surfers is Vinyasa or Power yoga, as they focus on building strength, flexibility, and endurance. It’s also essential to find a teacher who has experience working with surfers.

Can yoga help me catch more waves?

Yes, practicing yoga can help you catch more waves by improving your balance, strength, and lung capacity. It can also help you stay calm and focused in the water.

How can I incorporate yoga into my surfing routine?

You can incorporate yoga into your surfing routine by practicing it on rest days or before and after surfing sessions. It’s also possible to practice yoga on the beach or take special yoga classes designed for surfers.

Can yoga help with stress and anxiety related to surfing?

Yes, practicing yoga can help with stress and anxiety related to surfing by promoting relaxation, mindfulness, and self-awareness. It can also decrease symptoms of depression and boost mood levels.

What are some of the best yoga poses for surfers?

Some of the best yoga poses for surfers are Warrior I and II, Downward Dog, Triangle Pose, and Pigeon Pose. These poses focus on increasing balance, strength, flexibility, and mobility.

What gear do I need for practicing yoga as a surfer?

You don’t need much gear for practicing yoga as a surfer, but it’s essential to invest in a good quality yoga mat that provides good grip and is durable. You might also want to consider getting a yoga towel to prevent slipping and sliding during your practice.

Can yoga help me recover from surfing injuries?

Yes, yoga can help you recover from surfing injuries by promoting circulation, mobility, and flexibility. Certain yoga postures can also help decrease inflammation and relieve pain in the affected area.

What are the benefits of combining surfing and yoga for mental health?

The benefits of combining surfing and