What is a Soft-top Longboard Surfboard?

Hey there, fellow surf enthusiasts! Today we’re going to be diving into the nitty-gritty of soft-top longboard surfboards. Have you ever wondered what they are exactly or why they’re so popular? Well, we’ve got you covered. As surfers ourselves, we know how overwhelming it can be to choose the right equipment to catch those waves. So buckle up and get ready to learn everything you need to know about soft-top longboard surfboards.

What is a Soft-top Longboard Surfboard?

A soft-top longboard surfboard is a type of surfboard that has a foam deck instead of the traditional fiberglass or epoxy deck. The foam deck provides additional stability and cushioning, making it a popular choice among beginner surfers or those looking for a softer ride. Longboard surfboards are typically 8-12 feet long, providing ample surface area for cruising and catching small to medium-sized waves. Soft-top longboards come in a variety of shapes and sizes, with some even incorporating features like fins or channels for improved performance.

What is a Soft-top Longboard Surfboard?

When it comes to surfing equipment, choosing the right board is crucial. While there are countless brands and styles out there, soft-top longboards are gaining popularity among surfers of all skill levels. But what exactly is a soft-top longboard surfboard and what are the benefits of riding one? Let’s dive in.

What is a Soft-top Surfboard?

A soft-top surfboard is made with a foam deck instead of the traditional fiberglass or epoxy deck. The foam deck provides additional stability and cushioning compared to a harder deck, making it a popular choice among beginner surfers or those looking for a softer ride. But what about longboard surfboards?

What is a Longboard Surfboard?

A longboard surfboard is typically between 8-12 feet long and has a rounded nose and tail. Compared to shortboards, which are typically under 7 feet, longboards provide more stability and surface area for the rider, making them great for cruising and catching small to medium-sized waves. Longboards are also a popular choice for beginners who are just learning how to surf.

What are the Benefits of a Soft-top Longboard Surfboard?

Now that we have a basic understanding of soft-top and longboard surfboards, let’s talk about the benefits of combining the two.

1. Stability and Balance

Soft-top longboard surfboards provide an extra level of stability and balance, which can make it easier for beginners to catch waves and improve their technique. The foam deck also provides additional cushioning, making it a more forgiving ride than a traditional fiberglass or epoxy board.

2. Durability

Soft-top longboards are also more durable than their traditional counterparts. The foam deck can withstand more wear and tear, making it a great option for those who plan on using their board frequently or taking it on trips where it may be subjected to more abuse.

3. Affordability

Soft-top longboard surfboards are often more affordable than traditional fiberglass or epoxy boards. They can be a great option for those who are just starting out and don’t want to invest too much money in a board, or for experienced surfers who want a backup board for certain conditions or locations.

How to Choose the Right Soft-top Longboard Surfboard

There are a few factors to consider when choosing the right soft-top longboard surfboard for your needs:

1. Size and Shape

Longboard surfboards come in a variety of sizes and shapes, so it’s important to choose one that is appropriate for your skill level and the type of waves you plan on riding. A longer board will provide more stability and surface area, but may be more difficult to maneuver. A wider board will provide more stability but may be slower in the water. Talk to a professional and test out a few different boards to see what works best for you.

2. Fin Configuration

Longboard surfboards can have a variety of fin configurations, including single fins, thrusters, and quads. Each type of configuration will provide a different type of performance, so choose one that matches your riding style and the types of waves you plan on riding.

3. Brand and Price

There are many brands of soft-top longboard surfboards on the market, each with their own unique features and price points. Do your research and read reviews before making a purchase. It’s also worth looking into used surfboards for sale, as you may be able to find a high-quality board at a discounted price.


Soft-top longboard surfboards are a great option for surfers looking for stability, durability, and affordability. With a foam deck providing cushioning and balance, they can make it easier for beginners to catch waves and improve their skills. When choosing a board, take into consideration factors like size and shape, fin configuration, brand, and price. And don’t forget to check out used surfboards for sale to save money on your purchase.

Surfing Tips for Soft-top Longboard Surfboards

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced surfer, there are a few tips to keep in mind when riding a soft-top longboard surfboard:

1. Keep your weight centered

Soft-top longboards provide more stability than traditional surfboards, but you still want to keep your weight centered over the board. This will make it easier to maintain control and catch waves.

2. Practice your pop-up

One of the most important aspects of surfing is the pop-up – getting from lying on your board to standing up on it. Practice your pop-up on land or in shallow water before heading out into bigger waves.

3. Get comfortable with the waves

Take some time to get comfortable with the waves before trying to catch them. This will help you understand the timing and movement of the waves and make it easier to judge when to start paddling to catch them.

4. Use your arms to paddle

Soft-top longboards are heavier than traditional surfboards, so you may need to use your arms more to paddle. Make sure to use proper form to conserve energy and prevent injury.

Caring for Your Soft-top Longboard Surfboard

To get the most out of your soft-top longboard surfboard, it’s important to take proper care of it:

1. Rinse it after use

After each use, rinse your board off with fresh water to remove any salt or sand that may have accumulated on it. This will help prevent damage and prolong the life of the board.

2. Store it properly

Store your board in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight. Soft-top surfboards can warp or discolor if left in the sun for extended periods of time.

3. Repair any damage

If your board gets dinged or damaged, it’s important to repair it as soon as possible. This will prevent further damage and prolong the life of the board.


Soft-top longboard surfboards are a great option for surfers of all skill levels. With their foam deck providing additional stability and cushioning, they can make it easier to catch waves and improve your technique. When choosing a board, consider factors like size and shape, fin configuration, brand, and price. And don’t forget to take proper care of your board to ensure it lasts for many sessions to come!

FAQs About Soft-top Longboard Surfboards

As with any surf equipment, there may be a few lingering questions in your mind when it comes to soft-top longboard surfboards. Here are the answers to some of the most common ones:

1. Are soft-top longboard surfboards only for beginners?

While they may be popular among beginners, soft-top longboard surfboards are suitable for surfers of all skill levels. They provide a more forgiving and comfortable ride compared to traditional surfboards, which can be helpful for experienced surfers looking to try out new tricks or techniques.

2. Can I ride a soft-top longboard surfboard on bigger waves?

Yes, you can ride soft-top longboard surfboards on bigger waves. However, keep in mind that larger waves require more skill and experience to ride, so it’s important to know your limits and only attempt waves that you feel comfortable with.

3. How do soft-top longboard surfboards compare to traditional surfboards in terms of performance?

Soft-top longboard surfboards are not as high-performance as traditional surfboards, but they can still provide a great ride. They are typically more stable and forgiving, making them easier to ride for beginners. However, experienced surfers may prefer the performance of a traditional surfboard.

4. How do I choose the right size soft-top longboard surfboard?

The right size for a soft-top longboard surfboard will depend on your height, weight, and skill level. A longer board will typically provide more stability, but may be more difficult to maneuver. Talk to a professional and test out a few different boards to find one that works best for you.

5. Can I find used soft-top longboard surfboards for sale?

Yes, you can find used soft-top longboard surfboards for sale. Check local surf shops, online marketplaces, and classified ads to find a high-quality board at a lower price point.

6. How much should I expect to spend on a soft-top longboard surfboard?

The price of a soft-top longboard surfboard will depend on factors like the brand, size, and features. They can range from a few hundred dollars for an entry-level board to over a thousand dollars for a high-end option.

7. What is the lifespan of a soft-top longboard surfboard?

The lifespan of a soft-top longboard surfboard will depend on how often it’s used and how well it’s cared for. With proper care, a high-quality board can last for several years.

8. Can I travel with a soft-top longboard surfboard?

Yes, you can travel with a soft-top longboard surfboard. However, keep in mind that they are heavier and bulkier than traditional surfboards, so you may need to pay additional fees for airline travel or make special accommodations when driving long distances.

9. What’s the best way to transport a soft-top longboard surfboard?

The best way to transport a soft-top longboard surfboard is by using a