How to Do a Re-Entry in Surfing

Looking for a thrill while riding waves? Mastering re-entry can bring a whole new level of excitement to your surfing game. Whether you’re looking to impress fellow surfers, show off to your friends, or just want to add a unique trick to your surfing repertoire, this move is a must-learn for any surfer.

A re-entry typically occurs when the surfer, while shredding the wave, hits the lip (top part of the wave) and launches back

How to Do a Re-Entry in Surfing

A re-entry is one of the most exciting maneuvers to perform on a wave, and it’s no surprise why. Also known as a lip bash or smack, you can use this move to add flair to your surfing style and show your skill level. Here’s how to do it. First, pick up speed and ride up to the top of a wave. As you approach the lip, shift your weight to your back foot, and use your backhand to push your board towards the lip. Then, extend your front leg towards the sky to lift your board off the water and prepare to hit the lip. Once you hit the lip, push off with your back foot and allow your board to follow through with the rotation. Finally, land back on the wave and continue riding. With a bit of practice, you will be pulling off re-entries like a pro. Remember to keep safety in mind and have

How to Do a Re-Entry in Surfing

Surfing can be exhilarating, but once you get comfortable with the basics, you might want to start experimenting with new moves to take your surfing to the next level. One such move is the re-entry, which involves hitting the lip (top part of the wave) and then launching back down with flair. Learning to do a re-entry can feel daunting, but with practice, it’s something anyone can accomplish. Here, we’re going to break down the steps to perform a re-entry, as well as give you tips on how to make the move a success.

Step 1: Approaching the Wave

The first step in performing a re-entry is approaching the wave with enough speed. Without enough momentum, you won’t have the power you need to perform the maneuver. So, start by paddling hard until you reach a comfortable speed. Then, as you approach the wave face, choose your line carefully. Aim for the section of the wave with the steepest, most vertical face where you can hit the lip. A wave with a steep face and a good section to hit the lip will give you the best chance of pulling off a sweet re-entry.

Step 2: Preparing for the Move

Once you’ve picked the right wave and are approaching it with enough speed, it’s time to start preparing for the move. As you begin to ride up the wave, shift your weight back while using your back foot to turn the board slightly so that it faces the lip of the wave. Then, with your front foot, push down on the board to generate extra speed as you approach the lip.

Step 3: Hitting the Lip

Now it’s time to hit the lip; this is the hardest part of the re-entry. As you reach the lip, use your backfoot to launch the board upwards so that the board is above the lip. At this stage, you should be leaning forward and looking towards where you want to land, ready to make the next move. This is the key moment for the re-entry, so it’s important to get it right.

Step 4: Push Off and Follow Through

Pushing off is a critical stage in the re-entry. As you reach the peak of the wave, push off with your back foot so that the board turns and falls back to the water sideways. Try to keep your weight over your front foot and keep your eyes fixed on the board as you push. Once you’ve completed the push-off, try to place the board down as gently as possible onto the wave. By maintaining control over the board and following through the motion with fluidity, you’ll be able to create a seamless re-entry that’ll leave anyone who’s watching impressed.

Extra Tips for Success

If you’re struggling to master the re-entry, don’t worry. Even the most experienced surfers have trouble sometimes. Here are some tips to help you get the hang of it:

  • Practice on a small wave or a reform wave to get used to the movement.
  • Keep your eyes focused on where you want to land after completing the re-entry.
  • When coming down the wave, avoid leaning back too far, which can cause you to lose balance.
  • Keep your movements fluid and confident to maintain control over your board.

With a bit of practice, you’ll be able to perform re-entries like a pro. Once you feel comfortable performing the move, don’t be afraid to experiment with different variations, such as doing a re-entry off the backside or full rotation where you combine a re-entry and a cutback. The key to success is a combination of practice, skill and confidence.

Buying the Right Board for Re-Entries

Finally, it’s essential to ensure you have the right board for re-entries. While it’s possible to perform re-entries on any board, it’s easier and safer on the right one. When looking for a board, you want something that’s wide enough for stability, but also short enough for maneuverability. A shortboard would be perfect for doing re-entries, but using them can be quite technical. You can also opt for a fish or hybrid board, which would still provide ample stability while also being easier to turn. In any case, the type of board you choose for re-entries will largely depend on your personal preferences and skill level.

If you’re on a tight budget, you can consider used surfboards for sale. These can be found in most surf shops, and they’re an excellent option if you’re not ready to shell out hundreds of dollars on a new board. But it’s essential to ensure that the board is in good condition and has no hidden damages that could affect your performance.

So, there you have it, everything you need to know about performing re-entries in surfing. It’s a fun and challenging maneuver, but with some patience and practice, it’s something anyone can master. The next time you hit the beach, give it a go, and see how you fare. Good luck and happy surfing!

Troubleshooting Re-Entries

While this action is one of the more exciting things a surfer can do, it’s easy to lose balance as you launch back into the water. But fear not, as any issues that arise can be resolved with a little practice and perseverance. One common issue is losing balance as you hit the lip. To counter this, try to keep your weight lower as you approach the lip, and firmly plant your back foot on the tail of your board to give it some extra push. Another problem is losing speed after the initial push-off, in which case you need to keep your momentum up by generating speed before hitting the lip. Experiment with pumping the wave before the re-entry so that you can get more speed during the maneuver.

The Art of Aerial Surfing

The re-entry is a kind of aerial surfing, and while the basic maneuver can be impressive, there is always room for more creativity. Those with advanced skating or snowboarding backgrounds may have an advantage in aerial surfing, as not only are the moves similar, but the principles of balance and momentum remain the same. And for those who want to take it to the next level, there are plenty of variations that make use of spins, grabs, and even flips. But as we’ve discussed, the re-entry is still an essential move that all surfers should be able to execute properly because it forms the foundation for aerial surfing.


The re-entry is a challenging and thrilling move that requires patience, perseverance, and practice. But if you stick with it and master this maneuver, you’ll be a standout surfer in no time. Remember that the key to performing a successful re-entry is generating enough speed, hitting the lip correctly, and following through with the motion in a fluid and controlled manner. Don’t get frustrated if you don’t get it right away; remember that it’s all about having fun and enjoying the ocean. And while purchasing a new board is always an option, don’t forget to consider used surfboards for sale, as they can be just as good as new ones while being easier on the wallet. Good luck, and enjoy your newfound surfing expertise!

FAQs About Re-Entries in Surfing

Surfing is an exciting and fun yet challenging sport, especially when trying new moves. Here, we’ve compiled some frequently asked questions about re-entries in surfing to help you out.

1. Is it possible to do a re-entry on any wave?

While re-entries are typically done on steeper waves with an inviting lip, you can try the maneuver on any wave or even a section of the wave that has some vertical lift to it.

2. Can I perform a re-entry without generating any speed?

No, it’s essential to generate enough speed before attempting a re-entry. You need enough momentum to execute the move correctly.

3. What’s the ideal surfboard for re-entries?

Since re-entries involve turning the board and launching into the air, a board that is short, lightweight, and easy to maneuver is ideal. Shortboards, fish or hybrid boards can be the perfect fit depending on the surfer’s skill level and preferences.

4. Can I use an old or used surfboard for re-entries?

Yes, it’s possible to use a used surfboard for re-entries. Make sure to inspect the board carefully to ensure it’s still in good condition, and check for any damage that may affect performance.

5. What should I do if I lose my balance while attempting a re-entry?

If you lose balance, the most important thing to do is keep calm and try to regain control. If possible, try to get your feet back on the board, and if you fall, try not to panic and get back on your board as quickly as possible.

6. Can I do a re-entry on a longboard or fun board?

While shortboards are typically used to execute re-entries, it is possible to do them on longboards and fun boards. However, this requires a higher skill level and extra finesse to be effective.

7. Do I need to be pro to do re-entries?

No, anyone can learn to do re-entries with the proper instruction and practice. However, it does require a certain level of surfing experience and skill.

8. What is the difference between a cutback and a re-entry?

A cutback involves turning your board back towards the white water after making a bottom turn. In contrast, a re-entry is all about hitting the lip of the wave and then opening up to a dramatic turn back into the wave.

9. What are the benefits of learning to do re-entries?

In addition to adding flair to your surfing, re-entries can help you generate speed and maintain momentum. It’s also a way to show off your surfing skills and impress your friends!

10. How challenging is it to learn to do re-entries?

Re-entries can be challenging for beginners, but with consistent practice and the right instructions, it’s a move that anyone can learn to do effectively. Just keep in mind that it takes