How Much Does a Surfboard Weigh?

Greetings and aloha, fellow wave riders! Are you curious about how much your trusty surfboard weighs? Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, knowing the weight of your board is essential for maximizing your performance and catching the perfect wave.

As you may already know, having the right weight and size of a surfboard is crucial for catching and riding the waves. The weight of the board affects its buoyancy, stability, and speed, which can make or

How Much Does a Surfboard Weigh?

The weight of a surfboard varies depending on its size, shape, and materials. A shortboard typically used for high-performance surfing weighs between 6 to 8 pounds. A funboard, a mini-malibu, a good all-around board for beginners and intermediate surfers, typically weigh between 8 to 10 pounds. A longboard, a traditional surfboard great for mellow waves and cruising, can weigh anywhere from 20 to 30 pounds.

The weight of a surfboard can also be influenced by the materials used to make it. A foam board with an EPS (expanded polystyrene) core is generally lighter than a traditional fiberglass board with a polyurethane foam core. Some surfboards are also made with alternative materials like carbon fiber or bamboo, which can affect weight.

Surfboard Weight. How much?

When it comes to surfing, the weight of your surfboard can greatly impact your overall experience. Understanding the weight of different types of surfboards can help you choose the right board for your skill level, the waves you’ll be surfing, and your personal preferences. In this article, we’ll look at the average weight of different types of surfboards, as well as what factors can influence the weight of a board.

Weight Differences in Surfboard Types

The weight of a surfboard is determined mainly by its size and shape. Here’s a breakdown of the average weight range for some of the most common types of surfboards:

  • Shortboards – 6 to 8 pounds
  • Funboards – 8 to 10 pounds
  • Longboards – 20 to 30 pounds

It’s important to note that these are just rough weight ranges, and the specific weight of a surfboard can vary depending on various factors. For example, some shortboards may weigh closer to 5 pounds, while others may be closer to 10. It all depends on the specific board and its construction.

Factors That Influence Surfboard Weight

While the size and shape of a surfboard are the primary factors determining its weight, a few other factors should be considered.

Construction materials

The materials used to construct a surfboard can significantly impact its weight. Typically used by beginners, foam boards are generally lighter than traditional fiberglass boards. Foam boards may include an EPS (expanded polystyrene) core or a soft-top, durable and lightweight material.

Fiberglass surfboards usually have a polyurethane foam core, which can be covered with various materials such as fiberglass, epoxy, or carbon fiber. These boards are generally heavier than foam boards but offer more durability, speed, and responsiveness.

Board thickness

The thickness of a surfboard can also play a role in its weight. Thicker boards tend to be heavier, while thinner ones are generally lighter. Thicker boards require more foam or other materials to create volume and buoyancy. However, thicker boards can benefit beginner surfers, as they’re easier to paddle and offer more stability in the water.

Board length

As a general rule, longer surfboards are heavier than shorter ones. This is because longer boards require more materials to create their length and volume. However, longboards can be a great choice for beginners, as they’re easier to balance and have enough stability to help new surfers learn the basics of wave riding.

Choosing the Right Surfboard for Your Needs

Understanding the weight of different surfboard types is important when choosing the right board for your needs. Here are some things to consider when making your decision:

Your Skill Level

If you’re a beginner surfer, starting with a lightweight board that’s easy to paddle and offers plenty of stability is generally best. This could be a foam board or a longboard. As you become more comfortable in the water and progress your skills, you can experiment with shorter or thinner boards that are more maneuverable and responsive in the water.

The Waves You’ll Be Surfing

The type of surfboard you choose should also be influenced by the waves you plan to surf. For smaller, mellow waves, a longboard or funboard that offers plenty of stability is a good choice. For bigger, steeper waves, a shorter board with more maneuverability may be better suited to help you catch and ride the waves more effectively.

Your Personal Preferences

Finally, your personal preferences should also be taken into consideration. If you prefer a heavier, more durable board, you may want to consider a fiberglass board. If you value the lightweight portability of a board, a foam board or soft-top board may be a better choice.

Knowing the weight of your surfboard is an important factor in choosing the right board for your skill level, the waves you’ll be surfing, and your personal preferences. If you’re unsure about what type of board is right for you, consider speaking with a professional surf shop or instructor who can help guide you in the right direction. And if you’re in the market for a new board, don’t forget to check out used surfboards for sale – they can be a great way to save money and still get a great board that’s perfect for your needs.

Additional Information for Choosing the Right Surfboard

Aside from the board’s weight, several other factors can influence your decision when choosing a surfboard. Here are a few additional things to keep in mind:


Regarding surfboards, volume refers to the amount of space (in liters) that a board occupies. Generally, more volume means more buoyancy and stability in the water, while less volume means the board will be more maneuverable and responsive. Volume is often a more accurate indicator of how a board will perform than weight alone.


The surfboard’s rocker refers to the board’s shape from nose to tail. A board with a pronounced rocker will have more curve, which can make it better suited for steeper waves. A board with a flatter rocker will be more stable and versatile in a wider range of conditions. The rocker is another important factor to consider when choosing a board that’s right for you.

Fin Configuration

The fin configuration of a surfboard can greatly impact how it performs in the water. The number of fins, placement, and size can all affect the board’s speed, stability, and maneuverability. Different fin configurations are better suited to different types of waves and surfing styles.

Secondhand Surfboards

If you’re looking to buy a surfboard, but don’t want to break the bank, consider shopping for a used board. Used surfboards for sale can often be found at a fraction of the cost of a new board, and can be a great way to find a high-quality board that fits your budget. Just inspect the board carefully before purchasing to ensure it’s in good condition and free of any major damage.


When it comes to surfing, choosing the right surfboard is crucial for enjoying your time in the water. While the weight of a board is an important factor to consider, it’s just one piece of the puzzle. Take the time to consider your skill level, the waves you’ll be surfing, and your personal preferences when making your decision. And don’t forget – used surfboards for sale can be a great way to save money and find a board that fits your needs. With the right board under your feet, you’ll catch waves and have a blast in no time!

Frequently Asked Questions about the Weight of Surfboards

Here are some common questions that surfers often ask about the weight of surfboards:

How much does a 7-foot surfboard weigh?

A 7-foot surfboard typically weighs between 10-15 pounds (4.5-6.8 kg), depending on the materials used and its construction. The weight can vary based on factors such as the type of foam, glassing, and additional elements like wooden stringers or carbon reinforcements.

How much did old surfboards weigh?

Old surfboards, particularly those made in the 1960s and earlier, were generally heavier than modern surfboards. They could weigh between 20-50 pounds (9-22.6 kg) or even more, due to the materials used, such as solid wood or denser foam cores and fiberglass.

How much does a typical surfboard weigh?

A typical surfboard weighs 6-12 pounds (2.7-5.4 kg). The weight varies depending on size, materials, construction, and the type of board (shortboard, longboard, fish, or funboard).

What weight should my surfboard be?

The ideal weight of your surfboard depends on your skill level, surfing conditions, and personal preferences. Beginners usually benefit from heavier, more stable boards, while more experienced surfers might prefer lighter boards for maneuverability. It’s important to consider factors such as buoyancy, stability, and performance when determining the appropriate weight for your surfboard.

Can a beginner ride a 7-foot surfboard?

Yes, a beginner can ride a 7-foot surfboard. In fact, a 7-foot surfboard, often called a funboard or mini-mal, can be a suitable choice for beginners because it offers a good balance of stability, buoyancy, and maneuverability, making it easier to catch waves and stand up.

How heavy is a beginner surfboard?

A beginner surfboard typically weighs between 10-20 pounds (4.5-9 kg). Beginner boards are usually designed to be more stable and buoyant, with a larger surface area and thicker construction, which can result in a slightly heavier board compared to more performance-oriented surfboards.

What is the lightest surfboard?

The lightest surfboards are typically made from EPS (Expanded Polystyrene) foam and epoxy resin. Depending on the size and design, these boards can weigh between 5-10 pounds (2.2-4.5 kg). However, the lightest surfboards might not always be the best choice for every surfer or every condition, as heavier boards can provide more stability and momentum in certain situations.

Are heavier surfboards faster?

Heavier surfboards can be faster in certain conditions, particularly when surfing larger waves or when paddling into waves. The added weight can help a surfboard maintain momentum and cut through choppy water. However, lighter surfboards might be faster and more responsive when performing turns and maneuvers on smaller waves.

How heavy is a 6’6″ surfboard?

Depending on construction and materials, a 6’6″ surfboard typically weighs between 8-12 pounds (3.6-5.4 kg). The weight can vary based on the type of foam, glassing, and additional elements like wooden stringers or carbon reinforcements.

Can you duck dive a 7ft board?

Duck diving a 7ft board can be more challenging than duck diving a shorter board, particularly for smaller or less experienced surfers. The larger size and increased buoyancy of a 7ft board can make it harder to push underwater and maneuver during a duck dive. However, with practice and proper technique, it is possible to duck dive a 7ft board.

Is surfing a cheap hobby?

Surfing can be relatively inexpensive as a hobby, but the costs can vary depending on factors such as location, equipment, and lessons. Initial expenses include purchasing a surfboard, wetsuit (if needed), and accessories like surf wax and a leash. Used surfboards and wetsuits can help reduce costs. Once you have the necessary gear, transportation to and from surf spots is the main ongoing expense. Surfing can be an affordable hobby if you live close to the ocean.

Why are old surfboards so heavy?

Old surfboards are heavier primarily because of the materials and construction methods used at the time. Early surfboards were often made from solid wood, which was much heavier than the foam cores used in modern surfboards. Even when foam cores were introduced, they were typically denser and heavier than the foam used today. Additionally, older surfboards had thicker layers of fiberglass, resin, and wooden stringers, all contributing to their increased weight.

What board is easiest to surf?

Longboards, specifically soft-top longboards, are considered the easiest surfboards for beginners. Their large size, buoyancy, and stability make them ideal for catching small waves and learning to stand up. Soft-top boards also have a foam surface, which provides a more forgiving surface for beginners and reduces the risk of injury.

What type of surfboard is easiest to ride?

The easiest type of surfboard to ride for beginners is a soft-top longboard. Its larger size and foam surface provide stability, buoyancy, and a more forgiving surface when learning to stand up and ride waves. Soft-top longboards are also less prone to causing injury compared to hard-top surfboards.

What size board is best for beginner surfer?

For beginner surfers, a larger board is generally recommended. A longboard, typically between 8 to 10 feet in length, offers more stability and buoyancy, making it easier to catch waves and learn to stand up. Soft-top longboards, with their foam surface, are particularly well-suited for beginners.

What is the hardest thing to learn surfing?

One of the hardest aspects of learning to surf is mastering the pop-up, the technique of quickly moving from a prone position to standing on the surfboard while riding a wave. The pop-up requires strength, balance, and timing. Other challenging aspects of surfing include wave selection, paddling efficiency, and learning to read and adapt to ever-changing ocean conditions.

What level of difficulty is surfing?

Surfing can range from relatively easy for beginners in small, gentle waves to highly challenging for experienced surfers in large, powerful waves. The difficulty of surfing depends on factors such as skill level, wave conditions, and the type of surfboard used. Surfing has a steep learning curve, but it can become more manageable and enjoyable with practice and persistence.

Is it easier to surf on a long or short board?

For beginners, it is generally easier to surf on a longboard because of its increased stability, buoyancy, and larger surface area, which make it easier to catch waves and stand up. Shortboards are more maneuverable and better suited for advanced surfers who want to perform quick turns and more complex maneuvers on the waves.

How important is the weight of a surfboard?

The weight of a surfboard can play an important role in how it performs in the water, as it can affect its buoyancy, stability, and speed.

What factors determine the weight of a surfboard?

The weight of a surfboard is primarily determined by its size and shape, as well as the materials used to construct it.

How much does a standard surfboard weigh?

The weight of a standard surfboard varies depending on its type, but shortboards typically weigh between 6 to 8 pounds, while funboards weigh between 8 to 10 pounds, and longboards can weigh up to 30 pounds or more.

Is a lighter surfboard better than a heavier one?

Whether a lighter or heavier surfboard is better depends on your personal preferences and skill level. Generally, lighter boards are easier to maneuver but may be less stable in the water, while heavier boards can offer more stability and durability but may be harder to handle in the water.

Are foam surfboards lighter than fiberglass surfboards?

Yes, foam surfboards are generally lighter than fiberglass surfboards. This is because foam boards have an expanded polystyrene (EPS) core, which is less dense than the polyurethane foam core used in many fiberglass boards.

How does the thickness of a surfboard affect its weight?

Generally, thicker surfboards are heavier than thinner ones. Thicker boards require more materials to create their volume and buoyancy.

Does the length of a surfboard affect its weight?

Yes, longer surfboards are generally heavier than shorter ones. This is because longer boards require more materials to create their length and volume.

What’s the best weight for a beginner surfboard?

Beginner surfers generally do well with a board that’s lightweight and easy to handle, such as a foam board or a longboard.

Does the weight of a surfboard affect its performance in big waves?

Yes, the weight of a surfboard can affect its performance in big waves. Generally, heavier boards can offer more stability and durability in larger waves, but may be harder to maneuver.

Can I customize the weight of my surfboard?

It’s possible to customize the weight of a surfboard by selecting specific materials and construction methods, but this can be costly and may not always lead to the best results.

Are carbon fiber surfboards lighter than traditional fiberglass ones?

Yes, carbon fiber surfboards are generally lighter than traditional fiberglass boards. Carbon fiber is a high-tech material that’s strong and lightweight, making it a popular choice for high-performance surfboards.