How to Maintain Your Surf Gear

Hey there fellow shredders! If you’re reading this, it’s safe to assume that you’re a surfer who takes their gear seriously. We don’t blame you – after all, your surfboard and wetsuit are basically your lifelines out there in the waves. But, as with any equipment, they need proper maintenance and care to keep them in tip-top shape. Fear not, because we’ve got you covered with our comprehensive guide on how to maintain your surf gear!

How to Maintain Your Surf Gear

Maintaining your surf gear can mean the difference between a great day on the waves and a frustrating one. First, make sure to rinse your wetsuit with cold freshwater after each session and hang it to dry out of direct sunlight. This will prevent the neoprene from breaking down and keep it smelling fresh. To keep your board in good condition, avoid exposing it to extreme heat or cold and store it in a cool, dry place. Try to clean your board after each use with a gentle solution of warm water and mild soap, being careful not to scrub too hard and damage the finish. Lastly, make sure to regularly check your leash and replace it if it shows signs of wear and tear. By following these simple steps, you can extend the lifespan of your gear and keep it performing at its best.

How to Maintain Your Surf Gear

As surfers, we all know how important it is to have good gear. Your wetsuit and surfboard, in particular, are crucial to your success and enjoyment out in the waves. However, as with all equipment, your surf gear needs proper maintenance and care to last. In this post, we will discuss how to keep your gear in tip-top shape so you can focus on catching the perfect wave without worrying about your equipment.

Caring for Your Wetsuit

Your wetsuit is an investment in comfort and warmth, so it’s important to take care of it properly. After each surf session, rinse your wetsuit thoroughly with cold freshwater to remove any saltwater, sand, and sunscreen that could damage the material. Saltwater can break down the neoprene and sunscreen can cause the fabric to deteriorate. Be sure to turn the suit inside out when you rinse it to ensure that all parts of the suit are cleaned.

Once you have rinsed your wetsuit, hang it to dry in a cool, shaded area. Avoid hanging it in direct sunlight, which can cause the material to break down faster. Be sure to hang it up properly to avoid stretching it out. We recommend using a hanger specifically designed for wetsuits, or folding it over a thick hanger to avoid stretching the shoulders. If you do fold your wetsuit over a hanger, try to alternate which shoulder the wetsuit hangs on each time you use it to avoid stretching one shoulder more than the other.

When your wetsuit is completely dry, store it flat or rolled up, preferably in a cool, dry place. Keeping it out of direct sunlight and away from extreme heat or cold temperatures will help extend the life of the neoprene. Never store your wetsuit folded in a hot car or exposed to extended periods of sunlight.

Cleaning Your Surfboard

Your surfboard is another crucial piece of gear that needs regular care and maintenance. We recommend cleaning your surfboard after every use to remove any sand, salt, or wax residue that can damage the board’s finish. To clean your board, use a gentle solution of warm water and mild soap. Avoid using harsh chemicals that can damage the finish, and never use a pressure washer, which can force water into the board’s core and damage the foam.

When cleaning your board, be sure to use a soft-bristled brush or sponge and a gentle touch. Scrubbing too hard can scratch or damage the fiberglass finish. If you notice any deep scratches or cracks, take your board to a professional for repair. It’s better to get a small problem fixed sooner rather than waiting for it to become a bigger issue.

When you’re not using your surfboard, it’s best to store it in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures. If you’re storing your board for an extended period of time, say over the winter, we recommend waxing the board and storing it tote-down so that it doesn’t develop any flat spots.

Leash Maintenance

Your leash is a crucial piece of safety equipment while surfing, so it’s important to take care of it properly. We recommend checking your leash regularly for any signs of wear and tear or weakening. If you notice any fraying or cracking, it’s time to replace your leash. Keep in mind that you don’t want your leash to snap in the middle of a session, so it’s always better to replace it before it wears out completely.

After each session, rinse your leash with freshwater and hang it to dry. We recommend hanging it up by the string and coil, not the Velcro, which can easily wear out. When storing your leash, you can either leave it coiled or hang it up so that it doesn’t get tangled or twisted.

The Benefits of Proper Gear Maintenance

By taking proper care of your surf gear, you’ll enjoy many benefits, including:

  • Longer lifespan: Good surf gear can be expensive, so maintaining it properly will help it last longer and save you money in the long run. Well-maintained gear can give you years of great use.
  • Improved performance: Your surfboard and wetsuit are designed to perform at their best, but they can’t do that if they’re not in good condition. Proper maintenance can help your gear work as it should, so you can surf to your fullest potential.
  • Increased comfort: A well-maintained wetsuit can offer superior comfort and warmth, so you’ll be more comfortable in the water and able to surf longer.

Buying Used Surfboards for Sale

If you’re on a budget or looking for a new board to add to your quiver, buying used surfboards for sale can be a great option. When shopping for used boards, be sure to carefully inspect them for any signs of damage, delamination, or wear and tear. Look for any previously repaired dings, and ask the seller about the board’s history and how it has been maintained. You can also consider taking a used board to a professional for a thorough inspection before making your purchase. By buying used, you can save money and still enjoy great gear, but it’s important to be fully informed about what you’re getting.

Wrapping Up

Your surf gear is your lifeline out in the waves, so it’s important to take care of it properly. By following these simple tips and tricks, you can keep your gear in excellent condition, improve its performance, and extend its lifespan. So take the time to maintain your surf gear properly – you’ll be rewarded with more comfortable, enjoyable, and successful surf sessions.

Surf Wax Maintenance

Surf wax is an essential part of every surfer’s gear. It provides traction on the board and helps keep you from slipping off. However, surf wax can also attract sand and debris, which can damage your board’s finish over time. To maintain your surf wax and avoid damage to your board, we recommend regularly removing old wax and reapplying new wax.

To remove old wax, use a wax comb or scraper to gently scrape off the wax layer. Be sure to remove all the old wax, especially in the crevices, but avoid gouging the board’s foam. When the old wax is removed, clean the board with a soft cloth and a mild solvent such as white vinegar or rubbing alcohol. Once the board is clean and dry, simply apply a fresh coat of wax to the deck of the board, and you’re ready to hit the waves again!

Drysuit Maintenance

If you live in an area with cold water, you may prefer to use a drysuit instead of a wetsuit. A drysuit can provide superior warmth and comfort in frigid water, but it also requires proper maintenance to last. After each surf session, rinse your drysuit inside and out with freshwater to remove any sand, salt, or other debris that could damage the material. Hang the drysuit to dry in a cool, ventilated area, away from direct sunlight or heat sources.

Make sure to put the drysuit away in a cool, dry place when you’re not wearing it. Keep it out of direct sunlight or exposure to extreme temperatures, both of which can damage the suit’s waterproofing abilities. When you’re storing the drysuit, make sure to avoid creasing or folding the material, which can cause permanent damage.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, maintaining your surf gear requires a little bit of effort, but it’s well worth it in the long run. By taking good care of your surfboard, wetsuit, leash, and other equipment, you can ensure that they last longer, perform better, and keep you safe out in the waves. Plus, proper gear maintenance can save you money in the long run by avoiding costly repairs or replacements. So get out there, catch some waves, and enjoy your well-maintained surf gear!

FAQ – Maintaining Your Surf Gear

Here are some common questions we get about maintaining your surf gear:

Q: How often should I clean my wetsuit?

A: It’s a good idea to rinse your wetsuit with freshwater after each surf session. While occasional deep cleaning is recommended, over-cleaning your suit can cause it to wear out faster. We recommend deep cleaning your wetsuit only once or twice a season depending on how often you use it.

Q: Can I machine wash my wetsuit?

A: No, we don’t recommend using a washing machine to clean your wetsuit. The spin cycle can damage the neoprene and the chemicals in detergent can harm the material. Stick to rinsing it with freshwater and spot cleaning with a mild solution of warm water and mild soap when needed.

Q: My surfboard has a small ding. Should I repair it myself or take it to a professional?

A: If you’re experienced in surfboard repair, you can fix small dings yourself. However, if you’re not comfortable with surfboard repair, it’s best to take it to a professional to avoid causing further damage.

Q: How often should I check my surfboard’s fins?

A: You should check your fins before every surf session. Make sure they are tight and secure, and inspect them for any cracks or damage that could affect your board’s performance.

Q: How often should I replace my surfboard leash?

A: It’s a good idea to replace your surfboard leash at least once a year, or sooner if you notice any signs of wear and tear. An old leash can snap easily, which can put you in danger in the water.

Q: How do I store my surfboard during the offseason?

A: We recommend waxing your board and storing it vertical, or tote-down, in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and extreme heat or cold. This will help avoid developing flat spots in your board’s foam.

Q: Can I wash my leash in the washing machine?

A: No, you should hand wash your leash in freshwater and hang it to dry. The chemicals in detergent can damage the leash and Velcro, and the washing machine can cause tangling or even fraying.

Q: My surfboard has a yellow tint. Should I be concerned?

A: No, a yellow tint in your surfboard is normal and does not affect your board’s performance. It’s a result of the fiberglass yellowing over time and exposure to the sun, sand, and salt water. It’s simply cosmetic and nothing to worry about.

Q: Can I store my wetsuit in a plastic bag?

A: No, it’s not recommended to store your wetsuit in a plastic bag. This can trap moisture and promote bacteria growth, leading to a funky smell and possible damage to the neoprene. Instead, store your wetsuit flat or rolled up in a cool, dry place.

Q: How can