How Long is a Surfboard?

Hey there, fellow surf enthusiasts! If you’re wondering how long a surfboard is, you’re in the right place. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a newbie to the sport, knowing the right surfboard length is essential to catching some sweet waves. With so many different shapes and sizes available, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one for you. But fear not, because we’re here to break it all down for you!

How Long is a Surfboard?

The length of a surfboard can vary widely depending on its intended use and the surf conditions you’ll be riding in. In general, longboards range from 8 to 12 feet in length, while shortboards tend to be between 5’6″ and 7’0″. Fish boards typically range from 5’4″ to 6’4″, while funboards fall somewhere in between shortboards and longboards, usually around 7’0″ to 8’0″. Keep in mind that your weight, height, and overall skill level will also play a role in determining the best surfboard length for you.

How Long is a Surfboard?

If you’re new to the sport of surfing, choosing the right surfboard can be overwhelming. With so many different shapes, sizes, and materials available, it’s easy to get lost in the sea of options. But fear not! In this post, we’ll break down everything you need to know about surfboard length. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a newbie to the sport, this guide will help you choose the perfect surfboard to catch some sweet waves.

What is Surfboard Length?

Surfboard length is the measurement from the nose to the tail of a surfboard. It’s one of the most important factors to consider when choosing a surfboard, as it determines the board’s overall performance in the water. The length of a surfboard is closely tied to its volume, which is a measurement of how much foam is in the board.

The volume of a surfboard is important because it affects the board’s buoyancy, stability, and ease of paddling. A board with more volume will float better and be easier to paddle, while a board with less volume will be more responsive and easier to turn.

Types of Surfboards

There are several different types of surfboards, each with their own unique characteristics and ideal surf conditions. Here’s a breakdown of the most common types:


Longboards are the classic style of surfboard, and they’re ideal for beginners or anyone learning to surf. They’re typically 8 to 12 feet long and have a rounded nose, wide point, and tapered tail. Longboards are great for catching small waves and are very stable and easy to paddle.


Shortboards are the go-to choice for experienced surfers who want to catch big waves and perform high-speed maneuvers. They’re typically between 5’6″ and 7’0″ in length and have a narrow, pointed nose, a thin rail, and a narrow tail. Shortboards are highly maneuverable and are great for advanced surfers in good wave conditions.

Fish Boards

Fish boards are a hybrid between a shortboard and a longboard. They’re typically between 5’4″ and 6’4″ in length, with a wide nose, swallowtail, and twin fins. Fish boards are great for smaller, mushier waves and are highly maneuverable.


Funboards are a versatile type of surfboard, typically around 7’0″ to 8’0″ in length. Funboards have more volume than shortboards but less than longboards, making them a good choice for surfers who want a board that’s easy to paddle but still highly maneuverable. Their shape is a hybrid between a longboard and a shortboard, with a rounded nose and tail.

Choosing the Right Surfboard Length

When choosing a surfboard length, there are several factors to consider:

Your Skill Level

If you’re a beginner or intermediate surfer, it’s generally best to choose a longer board with more volume. This will make it easier to paddle and catch waves. Experienced surfers can opt for a shorter board with less volume, as they’ll have the skills necessary to maneuver the board on waves.

Your Height and Weight

Your height and weight can also affect the best surfboard length for you. If you’re tall or heavy, you may need a longer board to accommodate your size. Similarly, shorter or lighter surfers may be able to get away with a shorter board.

The Surf Conditions

The surf conditions also play a role in determining the best surfboard length. If the waves are small and mushy, a longer board with more volume will be more suitable. In larger, more powerful waves, a shorter board with less volume will be more responsive and easier to maneuver.

Used Surfboards for Sale

Surfboards can be expensive, especially if you’re just starting out in the sport. One way to save money is to look for used surfboards for sale. Used boards can be a great option if you’re on a budget, but make sure to inspect the board carefully to ensure it’s in good condition before making a purchase.


Choosing the right surfboard length is essential to catching good waves and having fun on the water. By considering your skill level, height and weight, and the surf conditions you’ll be surfing in, you can choose the perfect surfboard length for you. And don’t forget to keep an eye out for used surfboards for sale to save some money!

The Pros and Cons of Different Surfboard Lengths

Now that we’ve covered the basics of surfboard length, let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons of each type of surfboard.


Pros: Easy to paddle, stable on small waves, forgiving for beginners, good for nose riding and classic-style surfing.

Cons: Challenging to turn, difficult to ride in larger waves, heavy and awkward to carry.


Pros: Easy to turn and maneuver, highly responsive, great for advanced surfing and large waves.

Cons: Difficult to paddle and catch small waves, less stable than longboards, less forgiving for mistakes, not ideal for beginners.

Fish Boards

Pros: Good for small, mushy waves, highly maneuverable, can be ridden at a shorter length than a traditional shortboard.

Cons: Not as versatile as other types of boards, can have less volume and stability than a longboard or funboard.


Pros: A good balance of stability and maneuverability, suitable for a wide range of surf conditions, good for both beginners and advanced surfers.

Cons: Not as easy to turn as a shortboard, can be more challenging to paddle than a longboard.

Factors That Affect Surfboard Length

While the type of surfboard you choose is the most important factor in determining its length, there are other factors at play as well.

Width and Thickness

The width and thickness of a surfboard can affect its length as well. A board with more width and thickness will have more volume and be more buoyant, which can compensate for a shorter length.

Surfer’s Style and Preferences

Every surfer has their own unique style and preferences, which can affect the type of surfboard they choose. For example, if you prefer a more classic style of longboarding, you may opt for a longer board than someone who prefers more modern maneuvers.

Local Surf Conditions

The surf conditions in your local area can also influence the type of surfboard you choose. If the waves are typically small and slow, a longer board may be more appropriate. If the waves are powerful and fast, a shorter board may be more suitable.


Choosing the right surfboard length is essential to enjoying your time on the water. By considering your skill level, height and weight, surf conditions, and personal preferences, you can choose the perfect surfboard length for you. Whether you prefer the classic style of a longboard or the high-speed maneuvers of a shortboard, there’s a surfboard out there that will help you catch some sweet waves and have fun while you’re at it.

FAQs about Surfboard Length

Here are some of the most common questions people have about surfboard length.

1. How do I know what surfboard length is right for me?

The best surfboard length for you will depend on your skill level, height and weight, and local surf conditions. Consider these factors when choosing a board.

2. Can I use a longboard in bigger waves?

Longboards can be used in bigger waves, but they may be less maneuverable and more challenging to control than shorter boards in those conditions.

3. Can I use a shortboard in small waves?

Shortboards can be used in small waves, but they may be more challenging to paddle and catch waves with.

4. What is the difference between a fish board and a funboard?

A fish board is generally smaller and more maneuverable than a funboard, which is designed to be a versatile option between a longboard and shortboard.

5. How important is a surfboard’s volume?

Volume is an important factor in a surfboard’s performance, as it affects the board’s buoyancy, stability, and ease of paddling.

6. What is the ideal volume for a beginner surfboard?

The ideal volume for a beginner surfboard is generally around 2 liters for each kilogram of body weight.

7. Is it better to have a surfboard that is too long or too short?

It’s generally better to have a surfboard that is too long than too short, as a longer board will be more stable and easier to paddle.

8. What is a hybrid surfboard?

A hybrid surfboard is a board that combines elements of different types of surfboards, such as a fish board with a longboard, to create a versatile board that is good in a variety of conditions.

9. How do I choose the right tail shape for my surfboard?

The tail shape of your surfboard will affect its performance in the water. Consult with a board shaper or experienced surfer to determine the best tail shape for your surfing style and local surf conditions.

10. Should I choose a surfboard based on my height or weight?

Both height and weight are important factors to consider when choosing a surfboard. Generally, taller or heavier surfers will need a longer board than shorter or lighter surfers.

11. How do I know if a used surfboard for sale is in good condition?

Inspect the board carefully for any dings or damage, and give it a thorough water test to make sure it performs as it should before purchasing.

12. Does the shape of a surfboard affect its length?

The shape of a surfboard, such as the width and thickness, can affect its volume, which in turn affects the length of the board.

13. Can I use a funboard as a longboard or shortboard?