Christenson Surfboard: Craftsmanship Meets Performance

Greetings fellow surf enthusiasts! Are you on the lookout for the holy grail of surfboards that combines craftsmanship with high-performance? Look no further than the one and only Christenson Surfboard. This board has made waves in the surfing community, with its sleek design and unparalleled performance. From beginners to pros, the Christenson Surfboard has been tested and approved by some of the biggest names in the industry. So, let’s dive in and find out everything there is to know about one of

Christenson Surfboard: Craftsmanship Meets Performance

The Christenson Surfboard is a thing of beauty. With handcrafted precision, shaper Chris Christenson has created a board that embodies both elegance and performance. From the sleek outlines to the innovative shapes, the Christenson Surfboard is a work of art that delivers on every level. But what makes this board so unique? It starts with the materials. Chris uses only the finest materials available, ensuring that every board is of the highest quality. From there, it’s all about the design. Chris has spent years perfecting his shapes, testing and refining until he has created a board that performs at the highest level. Whether you’re looking to cruise down the line or carve up some serious waves, the Christenson Surfboard has got you covered. In short, the Christenson Surfboard is the ultimate combination of craftsmanship and performance, and a must-have for any serious surfer.

Christenson Surfboard: Craftsmanship Meets Performance

If you are a serious surfer, you have undoubtedly heard of the Christenson Surfboard. This board has taken the surfing world by storm, quickly becoming one of the most popular options for surfers at all levels. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at the Christenson Surfboard and discover what sets it apart from other boards on the market. From the materials used to the design of the board, we will cover everything you need to know about the Christenson Surfboard.

The Materials

One of the key elements that sets the Christenson Surfboard apart is the materials used to create it. Chris Christenson uses only the finest components to construct his boards, ensuring that each one is of the highest quality. The foam used in construction is a Clark Foam blank, which is known for its consistent density and excellent compression strength. Additionally, Chris uses top-of-the-line fiberglass and resin to create a board that is not only visually stunning but also extremely durable.

Another aspect of the materials used in the construction of the Christenson Surfboard is the fins. Chris incorporates custom fins into his designs, which can greatly impact the way the board rides. Whether you are looking for more speed, quicker turns, or increased stability, there is a fin configuration that will suit your needs perfectly.

The Design

The design of the Christenson Surfboard is where the magic happens. Chris has spent years perfecting his shapes, testing and refining until he has created a board that performs at the highest level. One of the most notable design features is the parabolic rail. This design element allows for a significant reduction in weight while maintaining structural integrity, resulting in a board that is both strong and lightweight.

Another design feature that sets the Christenson Surfboard apart is the rocker. Chris’s boards have a unique rocker that is tailored to each individual rider’s needs. Whether you prefer a board with a more gradual rocker for cruising down the line or a steeper rocker for maneuverability in larger waves, Chris can create a board that will meet your requirements.

Performance of the Christenson Surfboard

Ultimately, the performance of the Christenson Surfboard is what sets it apart from other boards on the market. Chris has created a board that is versatile enough to suit the needs of surfers at all experience levels. Whether you are a beginner looking for a board that is forgiving and easy to ride, or a pro looking to take your skills to the next level, the Christenson Surfboard has got you covered.

One of the things that make the Christenson Surfboard so special is its ability to handle a variety of conditions. The board is equally at home in small surf as it is in larger waves, and the custom fins can be tailored to the conditions you are facing. Additionally, the parabolic rail and unique rocker design ensure that the board is incredibly responsive and maneuverable, allowing you to take your surfing to the next level.

Used Surfboards for Sale

If you are interested in purchasing a Christenson Surfboard but are hesitant about the price tag, consider looking for used surfboards for sale. Many surfers upgrade their boards frequently, and you might be able to find a high-quality used Christenson Surfboard for a fraction of the cost of a new one. Check out online marketplaces, surf shops, and forums to see if anyone is selling a board that will fit your needs.


In conclusion, the Christenson Surfboard is a board that truly lives up to the hype. Chris’s attention to detail and commitment to using only the finest materials ensure that each board is of exceptional quality. Additionally, the custom fins and unique rocker design make the Christenson Surfboard incredibly versatile, able to handle a variety of conditions and surfing styles. Ultimately, if you are looking for a board that combines craftsmanship with high-performance, the Christenson Surfboard is the board for you.

Caring for Your Christenson Surfboard

Investing in a Christenson Surfboard requires not only a financial investment but also an investment in care and maintenance. To keep your board in top condition, make sure you rinse it with fresh water after every use, avoid leaving it in direct sunlight for extended periods, and keep it out of extreme temperatures. Additionally, it is important to wax your board regularly to maintain traction when riding. Following these simple steps will help keep your Christenson Surfboard looking and performing like new for years to come.

Ordering a Custom Christenson Surfboard

If you are serious about your surfing and are looking for a board that is tailored to your individual needs, ordering a custom Christenson Surfboard might be the way to go. Chris works with each customer to create a board that is specifically designed to meet their needs, incorporating specific features and design elements to help them take their surfing to the next level. Contact Chris directly or work with a local surf shop that specializes in Christenson Surfboards for more information on ordering a custom board.

The Future of Christenson Surfboards

As the sport of surfing continues to evolve, so too will the Christenson Surfboard. Chris is constantly looking for ways to improve his designs and incorporate new technology and materials into his boards. Whether you are a longtime fan of Christenson Surfboards or just discovering them for the first time, you can be sure that the future of these boards is bright, and they will continue to push the boundaries of what is possible on a surfboard.

Conclusion: Surfing Elevated

The Christenson Surfboard is more than just a board—it’s a work of art that embodies the passion and dedication of one of the most respected surfboard shapers in the world. Whether you are a beginner or a pro, the Christenson Surfboard will elevate your surfing to new levels. From the precision craftsmanship to the unparalleled performance, these boards are the perfect combination of form and function. So, if you’re ready to take your surfing to the next level, it’s time to invest in a Christenson Surfboard and experience the art of surfing elevated.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the answers to some of the most common questions about the Christenson Surfboard:

1. What sets the Christenson Surfboard apart from other boards on the market?

What sets the Christenson Surfboard apart is its combination of precision craftsmanship and high-performance design. Chris uses only the finest materials to construct his boards, and his unique designs are tailored to each individual rider’s needs.

2. Are Christenson Surfboards suitable for beginners?

Yes! While some Christenson Surfboard designs are geared more towards advanced surfers, Chris also offers a range of boards that are perfect for beginners. Talk to your local surf shop or contact Chris directly to find out which board is right for you.

3. How much does a Christenson Surfboard cost?

Prices for Christenson Surfboards can vary depending on the design and materials used. Expect to pay anywhere from $700 to $1,500 or more for a new board.

4. Can I buy a used Christenson Surfboard?

Yes! Many surfers upgrade their boards frequently, and you might be able to find a high-quality used Christenson Surfboard for a fraction of the cost of a new one. Check out online marketplaces, surf shops, and forums to see if anyone is selling a board that will fit your needs.

5. How do I know what size Christenson Surfboard is right for me?

Choosing the right size Christenson Surfboard depends on a variety of factors, including your height, weight, and skill level. Talk to your local surf shop or contact Chris directly to find out which board is right for you.

6. How often do I need to wax my Christenson Surfboard?

We recommend waxing your Christenson Surfboard before every surf session. This will help maintain traction, allowing you to ride the waves with confidence.

7. Can I order a custom Christenson Surfboard?

Yes! Chris works with each customer to create a board that is specifically designed to meet their needs. Contact Chris directly or work with a local surf shop that specializes in Christenson Surfboards for more information on ordering a custom board.

8. What is the typical turnaround time for a custom Christenson Surfboard?

Turnaround time can vary depending on the complexity of the design and Chris’s current workload. Expect to wait anywhere from 4-6 weeks or longer for a custom board.

9. How should I care for my Christenson Surfboard?

To keep your Christenson Surfboard in top condition, make sure you rinse it with fresh water after every use, avoid leaving it in direct sunlight for extended periods, and keep it out of extreme temperatures. Additionally, wax your board regularly to maintain traction when riding.

10. How do I know what type of fins to use with my Christenson Surfboard?

Chris offers a variety of custom fin options for his boards. Talk to your local surf shop or contact Chris directly to find out which fin configuration is right for