How to Do a Bottom Turn in Surfing

Hey there, fellow surfers! Are you looking to master the art of carving up waves like a pro? Well, you’ve come to the right place! Today, we’re going to dive deep into the world of bottom turns. Whenever you see a surfer carving down the face of a wave with ease, it’s likely they’ve mastered the art of the bottom turn. This fundamental move is essential for every surfer looking to ride waves like a pro. So, buckle up and

How to Do a Bottom Turn in Surfing

The bottom turn is one of the most critical techniques a surfer can have in their arsenal. It is the foundation for all other maneuvers that you’ll learn as you progress. The bottom turn sets you up for a successful ride, and it’s crucial to learn how to execute it correctly. The first step is to approach the wave at a slight angle, then execute a quick cutback followed by a bottom turn. To do this, you’ll need to lean into your turn, putting your weight on your back foot while using your front foot to steer your board. Make sure to keep your eyes fixed on the wave’s section that you want to ride and maintain your speed using the power in the wave. Remember to stay relaxed and have fun with it, and with a bit of practice, you’ll be carving down the line like a pro in no time.

How to Do a Bottom Turn in Surfing

Surfing is an incredible water sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced surfer, the bottom turn is a fundamental maneuver that’s essential for carving up waves like a pro. In this blog, we’ll cover everything you need to know about how to do a bottom turn in surfing.

What is a Bottom Turn?

A bottom turn is a move that a surfer executes at the bottom of a wave to set themselves up for a successful ride. It’s known as the foundation for all other maneuvers you’ll do on a wave. Whether you are just starting or have been surfing for some time, it’s an essential technique to master.

How to Do a Bottom Turn?

Imagine yourself surfing, drawing a long line through the water. At the end of the ride, you see the wave building up and know that it’s time to execute a turn. As you come off the bottom of the wave in the direction of your choice, you’ll have to pull-off a bottom turn.

The Setup

To set up a bottom turn, you have to put yourself in the right position. So, when you see a wave that you know can be ridden, paddle towards it while angling yourself in the direction of the spot where you want to bottom turn. It is where you ride the wave at an angle and stage yourself for a turn.

This method will give you time and momentum to shift your weight from your back foot to your front foot. Once you are about to change direction, initiate the turn of the board by bending your knees and throwing your back leg (the one closest to the tail) forward into the base of the wave.

The Execution

The execution of a bottom turn involves leaning into the wave and shifting your weight to your back foot to keep the board turned up towards the wave’s lip (or top). You will use your front foot to pivot and control the speed through the turn.

As you reach the bottom of the wave, look up and around the shoulder of the wave, so you can see where you need to go. Start leaning onto your back foot, then begin to push your backfoot down and lead your turning with your front foot.

When you are ready, you’ll press down with your toes on your back foot and your heel on your front foot to put pressure on the fins. The fins will hold the board in place and provide grip so that you can continue to turn while maintaining speed.

Remember to keep your eyes fixed on the wave’s section that you want to ride and maintain your speed using the power in the wave. Stay relaxed and have fun with it. Take your time to practice your bottom turn, and you’ll be carving down the line like a pro in no time.

Common Mistakes When Trying a Bottom Turn

The bottom turn might look simple, but it can be challenging to execute. Here are some common mistakes you can avoid to ensure you learn to do it correctly.

Mistake #1: Looking too far down the line of the wave

If you look too far ahead down the line of the wave, you might miss the section you intended to ride. It’s essential to keep your eyes fixed on the wave’s breaking section that you want to take on while executing the turn.

Mistake #2: Not shifting your weight correctly

Another common mistake is not shifting the weight from the back foot to the front foot correctly. You’ll want to initiate your turn by leaning onto your back foot and coming up through your hips to perform a quick snap. Then initiate your turn by transferring your weight from your back foot to your front foot and pivoting your board into the direction of your turn.

Mistake #3: Lack of practice

Finally, a lack of practice can cause mistakes. It’s essential to keep practicing to master the bottom turn. If the waves are small and not challenging, practice paddling and catching small waves — using old and used surfboards for sale helps save you money so you can take more waves.


A bottom turn is not the only maneuver you’ll need to learn to surf, but it’s an essential foundation skill to ride longer waves and execute other advanced moves. To summarize, to execute a bottom turn correctly, you’ll need first to set yourself up in the right position, initiate the turn by shifting weight from your back foot to front, lean the edge of the board into the water by bending your knees, and then twist through the core with speed to steer it in the direction you want. Avoiding common mistakes and practicing regularly can help you master this fundamental skill in no time.

Advanced Tips for Executing a Bottom Turn in Surfing

Once you’ve got the basics of a bottom turn down, it’s time to learn some advanced techniques to add more style to your ride. Want to add a bit of flair to your bottom turn? Here are some advanced tips you can use:

Tip #1: Angle your board

Tilting your board on an angle towards the direction of the turn will create an arc-like turn, which is ideal for stylish turns. The more you tilt your board, the tighter and more radical the turn will be. Be sure to keep your weight on the board’s back foot so that the angle stays consistent throughout the turn.

Tip #2: Utilize your back foot

Your back foot plays an essential role in executing a bottom turn, but it’s also critical to perform a top turn. Your back foot controls the tail of your board, which allows you to slide and pivot into the turn. As you move up the wave face, use your back foot to draw a curved path or S-shape as you transition into the top turn.

Tip #3: Practice on Different Waves

The type of wave you’re surfing can significantly affect your bottom turn. Try to practice on different waves, from small and beginner-friendly to fast and powerful waves. This way, you’ll learn to adjust your balance, timing, technique, and speed according to the wave’s conditions.

Why You Need to Master a Bottom Turn in Surfing

The bottom turn is essential because it’s the foundation for all other maneuvers you’ll perform in surfing. Performing a bottom turn sets you up for a successful ride, letting you draw the longest possible line out of the wave face. Without a good bottom turn, you’ll lose speed and disconnect from the wave, and thus, you’ll not gain the momentum you require to execute other moves like cutbacks and more.

Shop for Surfboards

Since surfing requires a good surfboard, you might wonder where to buy one. There are several places where you can buy surfboards online. Shopping for used surfboards for sale can be a great way to save money, especially if you’re a beginner. Alternatively, you can buy new boards from a reputable surf shop or online retailer who can help you choose the right board for your skill level and surfing style


There you go, fellow surfers! We hope this guide has given you the information you need to perfect your bottom turn technique. Remember to keep practicing, have fun with it, and don’t be afraid to experiment with different techniques and advanced maneuvers. By adding a bit of flair to your turns, you’ll be catching waves and turning heads in no time. Happy surfing!


Here are some of the common questions that beginner and experienced surfers usually ask regarding executing bottom turns in surfing:

Q1: What are the most critical aspects to master when executing a bottom turn?

A1: The critical aspects to get right when attempting a bottom turn are finding the right position on the wave, shifting weight from your back foot to your front foot to initiate the turn, and using the edge of the board to carve a curve in the direction you want to go.

Q2: How do I set up for a bottom turn?

A2: To set up for a bottom turn, paddle towards the wave at an angle, and as you approach the wave’s base, initiate the turn by leaning onto your back foot and coming up through your hips to perform a quick snap.

Q3: What else can I do to maintain speed and flow throughout the turn?

A3: You can maintain speed and flow by leaning the edge of the board into the water and keeping your weight on your back foot while steering the board with your front foot.

Q4: Can I slide my board during a bottom turn?

A4: Yes, you can slide your board by placing your back foot flat against the tail of the board to let the fins lose grip on the water. As a result, you can pivot the board and shift direction in a way that gives you extra speed and momentum.

Q5: How do I know when to execute a bottom turn?

A5: You’ll know it’s time to execute a bottom turn when you see a section of the wave that you want to ride approaching. A bottom turn will take you from the bottom of the wave and up into the direction you want to go.

Q6: Can a bottom turn be used in both small and big waves?

A6: Yes, you can do a bottom turn in small and big waves, but you’ll need to adjust your technique, timing, and balance accordingly.

Q7: How do I prevent wiping out during a bottom turn?

A7: You can avoid wiping out by leaning into the turn, keeping your weight on your back foot, and looking ahead to the next section of the wave you want to ride.

Q8: Is it essential to use your arms when executing a bottom turn?

A8: Yes, your arms play a vital role in helping you stay balanced, keeping the weight on the back foot, and helping you pivot the board in the direction you want to go.

Q9: How do I adjust my bottom turn on different wave types?

A9: You can adjust your bottom turn by adapting to the wave’s speed and power, positioning yourself further up or down the wave’s face, and adjusting your timing and technique accordingly.

Q10: What’s the difference between a top turn and a bottom turn?

A10: A top turn is executed at the end of a ride when a surfer is moving up the wave face. Whereas, a bottom turn is performed