What is a Big Wave Gun Surfboard?

What’s up my fellow wave riders! If you’re reading this, chances are you love nothing more than being out on the water, cruising down the face of a massive wave on your trusty board. But have you ever heard of a big wave gun surfboard? You may have seen one floating around in the lineup, but do you know what it’s all about? Stick with me, because today we’re going to dive into the ins and outs of this mean machine and find out

What is a Big Wave Gun Surfboard?

A big wave gun surfboard is a type of surfboard used by experienced surfers for riding massive waves, typically over 20 feet tall. These boards are much longer, wider, and thicker than regular surfboards, allowing for more stability and speed when paddling into big waves. They also have a more pronounced rocker, or upward curve, that enables the rider to turn on a dime when necessary. Big wave guns are designed to handle the power and force of massive waves, giving the rider the best chance of successfully riding out the face of the wave for the ultimate surfing experience.

What is a Big Wave Gun Surfboard?

When it comes to surfing, there are few things more exhilarating than catching a massive wave. However, the bigger the wave, the more difficult it becomes to catch and ride it to its full potential. That’s where a big wave gun surfboard comes in.

What is a Big Wave Gun Surfboard?

A big wave gun surfboard is a specially designed surfboard that is specifically made for riding massive waves, typically over 20 feet tall. It’s longer, wider, and thicker than a regular surfboard, with a more pronounced rocker that allows it to cut through the water more easily and turn more effectively. Big wave guns are designed to handle the power and force of large waves, giving surfers the best chance of successfully riding out the face of the wave.

The History of the Big Wave Gun Surfboard

The big wave gun surfboard was first created in the early 1960s by surfboard shapers like Dick Brewer, Greg Noll, and Bob Simmons. These early big wave boards were typically longer and narrower than the big wave guns of today and were designed to be ridden at locations like Waimea Bay in Hawaii where the waves can surpass 30 feet in height.

Over the years, the design of the big wave gun surfboard has continued to evolve, with shapers experimenting with different materials, shapes, and sizes to create the perfect big wave board. Today, big wave guns are typically around 9 to 10 feet in length and 20 to 24 inches wide, with a thickness of 3 to 4 inches. They’re made from a variety of materials including foam, fiberglass, and carbon fiber.

What Makes a Big Wave Gun Different?

So, what sets a big wave gun surfboard apart from other types of surfboards? The answer lies in its design.

First, big wave guns are longer than other types of surfboards. This additional length allows surfers to paddle into large waves more easily and with greater speed, giving them the momentum they need to get up and riding before the wave breaks.

Second, big wave guns are wider than other types of surfboards. This added width helps to provide stability in choppy conditions and prevents the board from nosediving when dropping into a steep wave.

Third, big wave guns are thicker than other types of surfboards. This extra thickness helps to provide buoyancy, ensuring that the board stays afloat even in the choppiest waters.

Finally, big wave guns have a more pronounced rocker than other types of surfboards. The rocker is the curve of the surfboard from nose to tail, and it plays a key role in how the board rides. A big wave gun’s rocker is designed to handle the steep drops and quick turns required when surfing big waves.

How to Choose a Big Wave Gun Surfboard

If you’re an experienced surfer looking to tackle some big waves, choosing the right big wave gun surfboard is essential. Here are a few things to consider when selecting your board:


The length of your big wave gun is crucial. It needs to be long enough to provide the speed and momentum you need to catch the wave, but not so long that it becomes unwieldy when turning. Most big wave guns are between 9 and 10 feet long, but taller surfers may require a longer board.


As we mentioned earlier, big wave guns are wider than other types of surfboards. This added width provides stability and prevents the board from nosediving when dropping into steep waves. Look for a board that’s around 20 to 24 inches wide.


A big wave gun needs to be thick enough to provide the buoyancy you need in choppy water but not so thick that it becomes too heavy to maneuver. Most big wave guns are between 3 and 4 inches thick.


The rocker is one of the most important elements of a big wave gun surfboard. Look for a board that has a pronounced rocker that can handle quick turns and steep drops.

Where to Find Big Wave Guns for Sale

Big wave gun surfboards can be harder to find than other types of surfboards. Because they’re designed for experienced surfers, they’re not as widely produced as beginner or intermediate surfboards. If you’re looking for a big wave gun, your best bet may be to visit a specialty surf shop or check out online retailers that specialize in surf gear. You can also find used surfboards for sale online if you’re on a budget.

The Takeaway

A big wave gun surfboard is an essential tool for any experienced surfer looking to tackle massive waves. By understanding what makes a big wave gun different and how to choose the right board, you can increase your chances of catching that perfect wave and experiencing the thrill of the ride.

Caring for Your Big Wave Gun Surfboard

Once you’ve found the perfect big wave gun surfboard, it’s important to take care of it to ensure it lasts as long as possible. Here are a few tips for keeping your board in top condition:

  • Rinse your board with fresh water after every use to remove sand and salt
  • Store your board in a cool, dry place to prevent warping or cracking
  • Avoid exposing your board to direct sunlight for extended periods of time
  • Repair any dings or cracks promptly to prevent water from entering the board

Safety Considerations

Surfing big waves is no joke. If you’re planning on taking on some massive swells, it’s important to take safety seriously. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Always surf with a buddy or in a group
  • Choose an appropriate location for your skill level
  • Wear a leash to keep your board close in case of a wipeout
  • Wear appropriate safety gear, including a wetsuit and helmet


So there you have it, everything you need to know about big wave gun surfboards. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out in the world of surfing, understanding the ins and outs of this specialized board can help you conquer the biggest waves out there. Remember to choose your board carefully, take care of it properly, and always prioritize safety when chasing those big swells. Happy surfing!


Below are some of the most frequently asked questions about big wave gun surfboards:

1. Can I use a big wave gun surfboard for everyday surfing?

While technically you can use a big wave gun surfboard for everyday surfing, it’s not recommended. These boards are specifically designed for large waves and can be difficult to maneuver in smaller surf. Stick to a standard shortboard or longboard for everyday surfing.

2. Are big wave guns more expensive than regular surfboards?

Big wave guns can be more expensive than regular surfboards due to their specialized design and materials. However, you can find affordable options if you do your research and shop around. Look for boards made from foam rather than carbon fiber or fiberglass as they tend to be less expensive.

3. How long does a big wave gun surfboard typically last?

A well-cared-for big wave gun surfboard can last for several years. However, how long it lasts will depend on factors such as the materials used to make it, how often it’s used, and how well it’s maintained.

4. Can I repair my big wave gun surfboard if it gets damaged?

Yes, you can repair your big wave gun surfboard if it gets damaged. However, it’s best to take it to a professional repair shop to ensure that the repair is done correctly and the board maintains its structural integrity.

5. What size big wave gun surfboard should I get?

The size of your big wave gun surfboard will depend on your height, weight, and experience level. When selecting a board, consider the length, width, thickness, and rocker to find the perfect fit for you.

6. How much does a big wave gun surfboard weigh?

The weight of a big wave gun surfboard can vary depending on the materials used to make it, but most boards weigh between 18 and 25 pounds.

7. What are some popular big wave surf spots?

Some of the most popular big wave surf spots in the world include Mavericks in California, Jaws in Hawaii, Nazare in Portugal, and Puerto Escondido in Mexico.

8. How fast do you need to paddle to catch a big wave?

You need to paddle as fast as you can to catch a big wave. The faster you paddle, the earlier you’ll catch the wave and the more momentum you’ll have to get up and riding.

9. What type of fins are best for a big wave gun surfboard?

The type of fins you choose for your big wave gun surfboard will depend on your personal preference. Some surfers prefer larger fins for added stability, while others prefer smaller fins for increased maneuverability.

10. What’s the difference between a big wave gun surfboard and a tow-in surfboard?

While both big wave guns and tow-in surfboards are used for riding massive waves, there are some key differences. Big wave guns are designed to be paddled into waves, while tow-in boards are typically towed