Advanced Surfing Techniques and Skills

Surfing is more than just a sport, it’s a lifestyle. If you’re reading this, you’re probably someone who’s passionate about hanging ten and shredding waves. You’ve probably gone through the basics of surfing, and now you’re ready to take the next step. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at some of the advanced surfing techniques and skills that will help you take your surf game to the next level. Whether you’re looking to increase your wave count

Advanced Surfing Techniques and Skills

Advanced surfing techniques and skills are essential to take your surfing game to the next level. They require patience, hard work, and determination. Paddling is the foundation of surfing, and the stronger your paddling technique, the better you’ll be at catching waves. Utilizing the perfect timing and positioning to catch waves is crucial in advanced surfing. The bottom turn is the cornerstone of every manoeuver in surfing, followed by a top turn which is necessary to carve through the wave. Stalling involves slowing down on the wave to create time for you to perform a manoeuver. Perfecting your floater can help you ride over sections of the wave that hit you. Finally, aerials can give you an edge and add an exciting twist to your surfing. In summary, mastering advanced surfing techniques requires dedication, practice, and passion.

Advanced Surfing Techniques and Skills

If you’ve been surfing for a while and have a solid foundation in the basics of the sport, it’s time to take your skills to the next level. Here are some advanced surfing techniques and skills that you can learn to improve your surfing game.

The Art of Paddling

Paddling is the foundation of surfing. The stronger your paddling technique, the better you’ll be at catching waves. A good paddling technique involves using your arms and your core muscles, which gives you more power and endurance in the water.

One of the most common mistakes that surfers make is using only their arms to paddle. They end up using up all their energy in their arms, which means they tire out quickly, and they can’t stay out in the water for long periods. Using your core muscles will help you conserve energy and have more energy to catch waves.

When paddling, try to keep your arms straight and use your shoulders to move your arms. Use a ‘S’ stroke, where you extend your hand forward, push down into the water, and pull your hand back to your hip. Use the power of your torso muscles to give each stroke more force.

Perfect Timing and Positioning

The key to catching a good wave is having perfect timing and positioning. You need to be able to read the waves and know how and when to paddle out to catch them. It’s an essential skill to have if you want to improve your surfing game.

Timing is critical when it comes to surfing. The moment that you paddle, you need to be aware of your surroundings and any potential hazards – this includes other surfers. When a wave is about to break, you need to be in the right position to catch it.

Positioning involves finding the optimum spot on the wave to catch it. You need to be in the right place to get the most power out of the wave. If you’re too far back on the wave, you’ll struggle to gain speed; if you’re too far forward, you’ll likely nosedive into the wave.

The Bottom Turn

The bottom turn is the foundation of every manoeuver in surfing. It’s a technique that you need to perfect if you want to improve your surfing game. It’s the first manoeuver you make when going down the face of a wave, and it sets you up for the rest of the wave.

The bottom turn involves completing a full turn at the bottom of the wave, which helps you set up for your next manoeuver. It’s critical to maintain your speed and balance through the turn to perform other maneuvers such as cutbacks and carves.

The Top Turn

The top turn is necessary to carve through the wave. It’s a manoeuvre that surfers perform when they reach the top of the wave. It involves a quick turn, which propels you back down the face of the wave. It’s an essential move to learn as it sets you up for the next manoeuvre.

When performing a top turn, the key is to shift your weight to your back foot just before you reach the top of the wave. Then, as you start to turn, you need to put all your weight on your front foot, which will give you the momentum you need to carve through the wave.


Stalling involves slowing down on the wave to create time for you to perform a manoeuver. It’s a technique that’s mainly used by experienced surfers who want to perform more advanced manoeuvres. Learning to stall is essential if you want to take your surfing game to the next level

The most common way to stall is by dragging your back hand across the wave’s face, which creates drag and slows you down. You can also perform a drop-knee bottom turn, which involves putting one knee on the board while turning, which slows you down.


Floaters can help you ride over sections of the wave that hit you. It’s a manoeuver where the surfer rides along the top of the wave as it breaks. It’s a great technique to learn if you struggle with sections of waves that close out or end abruptly.

To perform a floater, you need to get as much speed as possible and then hit the section of the wave where it’s about to break. As you hit the section, you need to lean into the wave and ride up it, staying as close to the top of the wave as possible.


Aerials are an exciting way to add a twist to your surfing. It’s a manoeuvre where the surfer leaves the wave and launches into the air before landing back in the water. It takes time and practice to master aerials, but it’s well worth the effort.

The key to performing an aerial is speed. You need to get enough speed to launch into the air. As you approach the section of the wave, you need to perform a bottom turn and release your back foot from the board. Use your momentum to propel yourself into the air and complete the manoeuvre


By perfecting these techniques, you’ll be able to take your surfing game to the next level. Remember, mastering advanced surfing techniques requires dedication, practice, and passion. You can even find used surfboards for sale as you try to master this sport. So, get out there, and give it your all!

Choosing the Right Surfboard

Choosing the right surfboard is just as important as mastering advanced surfing techniques. The type of board you choose will depend on your skill level, the conditions, and the waves you’re surfing.

Longboards are great for beginners as they’re more stable and easier to balance on. Shortboards, on the other hand, are better for more experienced surfers as they’re more manoeuvrable, and they have a sharper turning radius.

When choosing a board, it’s vital to consider the conditions and the waves you’ll be surfing. If you’re surfing in small waves, you’ll need a board with more volume to help you catch the waves. If you’re surfing in bigger waves, you may need a board with less volume for more manoeuvrability.

Remember to look out for used surfboards for sale; they may be a more affordable option when you’re trying to build your surfboard quiver.

Mental Preparation

Surfing is as much a mental sport as it is a physical one. Mental preparation can help you overcome fear, anxiety, and pressure, which can make you a better surfer.

Meditation, visualization, and positive affirmations are all techniques that can help you prepare mentally for surfing. Preparing mentally can help you stay calm, focused, and present, which will help you make better decisions in the water.

Proper Surfing Etiquette

Surfing etiquette is a set of unwritten rules that all surfers should abide by in the water. Following surfing etiquette will make you a better surfer, and it’ll make the experience more enjoyable for everyone.

Some of the most important rules of surfing etiquette include giving way to the surfer closest to the peak, waiting your turn, not dropping in, and respecting the locals. Remember to always be respectful and mindful of others in the water.


Congratulations on taking the first step towards learning advanced surfing techniques and skills. With patience, hard work, and determination, you’ll master these techniques and become a better surfer.

Remember to choose the right surfboard, prepare mentally, and follow proper surfing etiquette. Don’t forget to check out used surfboards for sale as they may be an affordable option. Most importantly, have fun and enjoy the ride!

FAQs About Advanced Surfing Techniques and Skills

Here are some frequently asked questions about advanced surfing techniques and skills that you may find helpful.

1. How long does it take to master advanced surfing techniques?

It can take several years to master advanced surfing techniques. However, the amount of time it takes will depend on your skill level and dedication.

2. Can I still learn advanced techniques if I’m an older surfer?

Age is just a number when it comes to surfing. You can learn advanced techniques at any age as long as you’re willing to put in the time and effort.

3. Do I have to be extremely fit to learn advanced surfing techniques?

You don’t need to be extremely fit to learn advanced surfing techniques. However, it’s essential to have a basic level of fitness to help you paddle and maneuver the board in the water.

4. Can advanced surfing techniques be dangerous?

Advanced surfing techniques can be dangerous, especially if you’re not properly trained or prepared. It’s essential to learn from a qualified instructor and wear the proper safety equipment when learning new techniques.

5. Is it necessary to use a specific type of surfboard for advanced surfing techniques?

The type of surfboard you use will depend on the technique you’re learning and the conditions in which you’re surfing. Generally, shorter boards are more maneuverable, while longer boards are more stable.

6. Can I learn to surf without taking lessons?

While it’s possible to learn to surf without taking lessons, it’s not recommended. Taking lessons from a qualified instructor can help you learn proper technique, safety measures, and etiquette.

7. Are aerials difficult to learn?

Aerials are considered an advanced maneuver, and they can be difficult to learn. However, with practice and dedication, you can learn to perform aerials.

8. How important is mental preparation in surfing?

Mental preparation is just as important as physical preparation in surfing. It can help you overcome fear, anxiety, and pressure, which can make you a better surfer.

9. What is the best way to improve my paddling technique?

The best way to improve your paddling technique is to practice. You can also work on your core strength and endurance to give you more power and speed in the water.

10. Can I surf small waves with an advanced technique?

Advanced techniques can be used in any size wave. However, it’s essential to adjust your technique to the conditions to get the most out of the wave.

11. Can I still improve my skills if I don’t live near the coast?

While living near the coast is an advantage, you can still improve your skills by practicing the paddling technique in a pool, building your core strength, and visualizing surfing.

12. What should I wear when surfing?

When surfing, wear a wetsuit, rash guard, and surf boots. These items